The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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I It might be splayed leg after all? She's sporting the oh so fashionable prosthetic I made to help her get some traction with her feet and actually move when she flails like that. she seems to be trying to sit up a little bit. Help me improve this please.... She's the sweetest little thing, so I want her to make it if there is any way possible...
Ha, ha! Just about had a stroke when I played your video this morning. Got up too early. Anyway, was sitting next to bator while waiting for video to load. I took a peek in bator, was just turning my head when I heard the cheeping. Thought it was one of mine, until I realized it was too loud to be mine. Ah yes, the chick in the video was making all that noise. Duh!
Good morning everybody! I'm glued to the bator until I get my son to school, then back to lurking at the bator again! I'm just dying to hear or see signs of life in there!

What day are you on? I have 8 silkie eggs left in the bator (14 chicks in brooder) and I'm on day 22! My back hurts from being hunkered over the thing all day yesterday looks like gonna be another day for back pain lol !
35 of 51 made it to lock down yesterday but some of those are suspect quitters. My temp dropped to 97 during the night. Does this mean trouble?????
Quote: Yes, I should have done that before lockdown. It's stablized at 46% on the Genesis hydrometer and 65% on the dig hydrometer, and I don't really want to open up the incubator again. So, I'll just see how the hatch goes, and hope that the humidity is within the acceptable range.

Late last night I candled the eggs under the broody hens, and they all look great! Dark shadow of chicks, nice veining at the edge of the air cell, and huge air cells - most of them are larger than the ones in the incubator. I again saw some movement in the eggs, even some of the ones I'd marked with a "?" when I'd candled on day 10. Time will tell, but I do think they might be a day or two behind the incubator ones, because of the cold weather we've had.

I woke up at six this morning, checked the incubator - no signs of life yet. So, went back to bed and dreamed of chicks hatching! I dreamed that I watched the first one hatch, looked away for a few minutes, and there was a whole batch of chicks hatching! In my dream, I opened up the incubator, and one of the chicks flew out! Then, I woke up to the reality of not even one pip yet. Oh, well! It'll happen soon enough.

Are any of you having dreams of chicks hatching?

I have to finish sowing the vegetable plants indoors today, so that will keep my occupied with waiting.
Candled my Buckeyes, Marans, and d'Uccle eggs this morning before putting them in the hatcher. I had 6 clear or almost clear Buckeyes that had to go...bummer, and 3 BC Marans and 1 d'Uccle. Gosh, now I do not remember how many I set. I will have to go count at some point but I know I had posted it somewhere on here. A number of the Buckeyes look to have stopped developing, the bummer of shipped eggs, but left them in just in case. This is going to be an eggciting weekend!
What day are you on? I have 8 silkie eggs left in the bator (14 chicks in brooder) and I'm on day 22! My back hurts from being hunkered over the thing all day yesterday looks like gonna be another day for back pain lol !
It's only day 19 for me. Looks like I'm in for a world of hurt, lol! Got 12 - some mutts & some Cuckoo Marans. Been thinking about getting a Silkie in future. Good luck with your back & your hatch!
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