The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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Up to 13! YAY!!

Mine don't count for the contest tho. I moved 7 fluffy butts to the brooder. No more zipping at the moment so I'm going back to bed.
Hello all :)
First let me give my deepest condolences to the person who lost her son last night. Such a tragedy! So very sorry.

On a brighter side, of the 20 eggs that made it to lockdown, 8 have successfully hatched & the 9th is unzipping as I type. I did not know about this contest, but set me eggs out the evening of Mar 8. Started with 24, but removed 4 clears at LD.

Being as this is my first hatch, I had a few questions: My Egg-O-Matic (as I call it) is a Brinsea ECO 20. It has been running at about 101 since the chicks started hatching. I have a brooder set up & warming up already, but wasn't sure if I should remove the dry fluffies to it yet. I did get in there very briefly to remove some shells, but theft the darlings inside. I figure if nothing else, they are helping crack the slower eggs ;) Should I bring some over to the brooder?

I have a friend who is also trying her first hatch in a homemade incubator. However, she set her eggs 3 days before me & still has not had a pip. She said 2 eggs are rocking since yesterday morning. She had a problem midway with temperature. There was a spike then it ran on the low side for a spell. The eggs were still rocking last I heard. Should she try to assist? This morning would make day 25 for her.

I have plenty of pix, but most on FB right now. I'll see about putting them on Photobucket so I can share them over here. :)
You can open it briefly..and move some. I also removed quite a few.
Your friends eggs need time. Every time you open the incubator or the temp reduces you add more time on the other end. She should not assist.
Yay! The start of something wonderful
yesss.gif rocking peeper!! Now for 33 more to get on the band wagon!!
yeah to you and to all the others who are going to have a busy day today!!

I am on my last 4. Two are piped, two nada...I know it might be a while since I opened the incubator and dropped temp a few times.
woke up to 4 pips this morning (three OE and one partridge silkie) - then, as I was making coffee - a chirp, chirp, and a fifth pip appeared - this is going to be a great day!!!
So here are a couple pictures - not sure the pictures do what i am trying to describe justice...

This chick was out by the time my hubby got home around 4 - its almost 8:30 now. See the shell stuck to her? its all crusty on her back... I see yellow yolk stuff, dried right under the big piece of shell in the below pic

this one hatched this am,,, before i was up at 6am.. she looks wet in this pic.. , but really its crusty ....

thoughts? first hatch for me!

I woke up this morn to 3 hatched, 10 pips, and Im still waiting on 12 eggs. Today is day 21.

Sadly I think one of my newly hatch Japanese Bantam Chicks wont make it. Its laying on its back eyes closed but its prob for the best it looks like it may have twisted toes of some sort
Off to make some coffee and stare at my incubator. Then I have a butt load of outside chores today now that all the snow is melting. Ill try to check in occassionally.

Congrats to everyone with chicks so far!!!
4 more pips overnight (5 total now), and another one is rocking, but no one's hatched yet. The suspense is killing me!

2 pips are in the wrong spot - close to narrow end of egg, not the air pocket. Will I need to do anything for these? What should I be watching for?

Thanks & happy hatching everyone!
Still have 2 chicks and no more pips I can see here. Of course, the eggs are all rearranged thanks to the two in the bator. One of them wont open one of their eyes. The other eye is bright and normal and so is the other chick, but why won't this other one open one of its eyes? Also, how long do I leave them in the bator with the unhatched eggs? I know they're good as far as food/water for a couple days, but the others who are due today haven't pipped yet so these others were a day early.
9 are out!! still waiting on the other five.

I put this egg in there that I found in the barn the day of set. So I thought, 'why not? if it starts to smell i will take it out.' that thing was so muddy and small and deformed i didnt even think it was fertile. It was.
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