The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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well it is 6 am chicks ever where. black ones, blue ones, yellow ones, chipmonks ones some with white dots on heads.
will have try to count some around noon when I put some in brooder.
this looks like a pretty good hatch. I don't not candle so I am sure there is some clears and quitters in there. Right now it very active.
PS how are those cream legbar s hatching.
Boy this coffee is so good!!!!!!
Oh so sorry to hear. How tragic! I will most definitely hug my teen son & husband. He turned 16 back in December. Hasn't expressed any desire to get his licence, but know he will want it someday. My heart goes out to all those who have been affected.

Well, I woke up to one chick at 5:30 a.m. that had zipped all around & yet to push top off. Humidity went down & membranes getting tan. Yikes! I quickly moistened the edge of the crack & boosted humidity. He's out now, yay! Another 2 are pipped & waiting to zip. 2 fuzzies already out from yesterday.
So sorry for the loss of a child. I also lost my little sister at the age of 17 in a car accident, this was 8 1/2 years ago. Prayers to all involved.
I am looking for some advice, 16 chicks have hatched. One speific breed has it's legs straight out in front and struggling to walk. I have not seen this before. It is not splay or straddle, as the legs are not out to the side, or maybe it is, and I've not seen it displayed like this before. I am guessing that there was some nutrient missing in mom's diet as it is only this breed that is displaying this behavior.

I have: Taped legs, given baby vitamin drops (no ire) and put them in cups to keep them propped up. Anyone ever seen this before? Any advice?
Babies everywhere!! 10 have hatched, 8 to go and all but 1 have pipped. The one the was so wet, hatched backwards and wasn't done absorbing, has died:( can't win them all. So 10 hatched/ 9 alive and peeping, 7 more pipped and 1 that hasn't. Doing good.
Soooo I'm 40 pages behind.........I think we all know how this story goes
Fast forward!

And good morning to everyone! It is such a beautiful morning here. Supposed to be sunny and near 70 F today (about 21 Celsius for our international friends) Got a lot to do this morning, too. I'd better get going!
I went out this morning to feed pigs and open the birds up. I looked under the broody Banty in the hospital box to see if any eggs pipped, and 2 little fluff balls were looking back at me. LOL.
Pics later, after chores.
Had to assist chick #1 at 4:00 a.m. It was completely zipped, but I was falling asleep over the bator waiting, so went to bed expecting to be woken by loud chirpiing. Woke up at 4 and realized there was no chirping. Completely zipped chick was hard as a rock and glued, face and all to the membrane. Tedious, and the scariest assist for me so far. Got the chick out, and it's one eyelid didn't form properly, so it has a split straight up it. UGH! #2 Came out beautifully. 4 more pips, but strangely silent with all of the rest. Gonna be a long day!!!
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