The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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I don't think my little Cleo is ever going to get better.... Now the ethical dilemma ensues..... I cannot cull her simply because she has special needs.... I won't. My daughter has Down syndrome, and I cannot send a message to my girls that we get rid of living things simply because they aren't like the others.... If she was in pain, there'd be a different story here.... She's healthy and growing and active and super sweet. I think my only choice is to keep her and make adjustments for her as necessary. I only have two hens in my backyard now, and there are virtually no predators, so shed be safe and spoiled and loved. My husband is going to throw a FIT when I tell him about this, because he has set the limit for me at two, but I just don't see another option for me. I can't give her to someone else who will just cull her or not give her any special attention.... Maybe I'm too soft, but I wouldn't have changed anything about my daughter... I'm blessed to have her, and surely I was given this sweet chickie for a reason.....
My hatch is done. Finale count 3 chicks hatched out of 60 eggs. Dad is planning to buy a few mallard ducklings before long, so I'm not too heartbroken about my ducks not hatching. Here they are.

I don't think my little Cleo is ever going to get better.... Now the ethical dilemma ensues..... I cannot cull her simply because she has special needs.... I won't. My daughter has Down syndrome, and I cannot send a message to my girls that we get rid of living things simply because they aren't like the others.... If she was in pain, there'd be a different story here.... She's healthy and growing and active and super sweet. I think my only choice is to keep her and make adjustments for her as necessary. I only have two hens in my backyard now, and there are virtually no predators, so shed be safe and spoiled and loved. My husband is going to throw a FIT when I tell him about this, because he has set the limit for me at two, but I just don't see another option for me. I can't give her to someone else who will just cull her or not give her any special attention.... Maybe I'm too soft, but I wouldn't have changed anything about my daughter... I'm blessed to have her, and surely I was given this sweet chickie for a reason.....
I'm glad that Cleo has you for a Mommy! I too think you were given her for a reason!
Hey All!
Stopping in really quick to update: 3 Barnies, 1 EE, 2 Mixes out!
4 pips, and Finally 1 of the 6 in the egg carton with bad air cells has pipped!!! I was so worried about them, so a huge relief! Still gonna be a long night! Back to dying eggs.
Yay! any more progress?
I don't think my little Cleo is ever going to get better.... Now the ethical dilemma ensues..... I cannot cull her simply because she has special needs.... I won't. My daughter has Down syndrome, and I cannot send a message to my girls that we get rid of living things simply because they aren't like the others.... If she was in pain, there'd be a different story here.... She's healthy and growing and active and super sweet. I think my only choice is to keep her and make adjustments for her as necessary. I only have two hens in my backyard now, and there are virtually no predators, so shed be safe and spoiled and loved. My husband is going to throw a FIT when I tell him about this, because he has set the limit for me at two, but I just don't see another option for me. I can't give her to someone else who will just cull her or not give her any special attention.... Maybe I'm too soft, but I wouldn't have changed anything about my daughter... I'm blessed to have her, and surely I was given this sweet chickie for a reason.....
Whats wrong with her?

BABIES! (They are a few days apart in age... the smallest was just hatched last night, the others on the 26th)

DethHawk (black and white, standing guard), Deemon (dark napping baby) and Murloc (smallest lil' one, also enjoying a nap)
What breed is DethHawk?
Just dashing in to announce there are MORE chicks hatching in my incubator! And one of 'em is a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington! I am so excited!

Hope it's a pullet!

.. Back later with news as it occurs... I think more will hatch. Can't see pips at this stage, what with the fluffy butts in there right now. The others seemed to go straight from nuttin' to zipped.
Still absolutely NOTHING here.
So depressed. I wish I knew what went wrong! I know they were alive at lockdown! I saw several of them moving, they looked pretty good on development!
Planning on candling and listening to all the eggs tonight as soon as it gets dark enough to candle. Then will decide if we can assist any live ones.
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