The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Honestly it looks like bruising from the others picking at them. As for why they were picking I don't have any ideas. Maybe because she was new.

I cant really see but it doesnt look like ulcers, like blood blisters

I have this bookmark, but I am not sure if what is pictured is related, edma perhaps could cause this blood pools, you say you were sexing it, perhaps it has a week heart and you held it upsidedown a tad too long? idk weirdness!!

What Causes Footpad Dermatitis in Poultry?
Thanks for the guesses (& info); will fill in more details:
The marks, as seen about 8 hours after hatching, were only on the fleshy parts of the toes, (in between the joints) almost every section, brighter then than in the pic taken two hours(?) later and *only* the bottom surface. Almost as if the underside of her feet were scraped on something. The left foot had a very small spot at the center of the footpad, but there was none on the right footpad at all. The marks along the toes have paled considerably in these pics, and the blood has mostly migrated to the footpad. None of these were, or are, visibly ulcerated; the epidermal layer is intact and looks fine - without magnification anyway.. I'm anxious for the zippers to get out so I can look at their feet!
As a side note, she behaves completely normally and does not seem to be in discomfort.
Mine are all done hatching. 23 of the 29 that went into lockdown are running around the brooder.

Wow! That is really good tnspursfan! Really good.
It's time to announce the winner of the Best Hatch Participant.

This prize goes to a member that is supportive and helpful to others during the hatch.

We discussed it, and even received a PM suggesting this person, so this year's Best Hatch Participant is..............


Congratulations! You have won a 1 year GFM!


I know! I am over the moon here. I certainly wasn't expecting such a high hatch rate. Nothing but two that died after pipping then on day 22 they just started popping out by the twos and threes. At one time the humidity was so high that the incubator fogged up and I couldn't see what was going on. All look really healthy.
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It's time to announce the winner of the Best Hatch Participant.

This prize goes to a member that is supportive and helpful to others during the hatch.

We discussed it, and even received a PM suggesting this person, so this year's Best Hatch Participant is..............


Congratulations! You have won a 1 year GFM!
Way to go!

Hey! Isn't tonight the night we are supposed to have that really big meteor shower? We had clouds earlier today..going to check and see if it's going on, and if the clouds are gone! It's supposed to happen often.
Disappointing hatch from my broody girls.... Ended up with two... One Amerucana and one sizzle.
Still no action from my eggs...

They were definitely alive at lockdown. It'll be extremely disappointing if none make it, since I had a 0% hatch for the New Years hatchalong. Not to mention I'm dying to see if the little silkie egg is a showgirl!
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