The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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It's time to announce the winner of the Best Hatch Participant.

This prize goes to a member that is supportive and helpful to others during the hatch.

We discussed it, and even received a PM suggesting this person, so this year's Best Hatch Participant is..............


Congratulations! You have won a 1 year GFM!
Congratulations Cynthia12! I really enjoyed you telling me Good Night each evening too.
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It's time to announce the winner of the Best Hatch Participant.

This prize goes to a member that is supportive and helpful to others during the hatch.

We discussed it, and even received a PM suggesting this person, so this year's Best Hatch Participant is..............


Congratulations! You have won a 1 year GFM!


It is day 21 for my broody, she's still sitting tight and I haven't seen or heard any chicks. Rough hatch with the incubators, only 6 chicks. One died in my hands. I'll wait until broody Momma gets off her nest before giving any numbers.
So far I have 2/8 FBCM, 0\10 ameracauna's ,0\4 leghorns the ameracauna were really EE and only. 2 did anything both early quiters. 2 of the leghorns did try to hatch one pipped wrong end died,one ruptured it yolk sac.. all shipped eggs. I still have 1 duck,4 turkey,2 dorking(mine) due in 2 the first 22 I have 2 .... all 22 were shipped...I will update with final numbers. As soon as I know
Here is a couple pics of my little ones!
Congratulations Cynthia12! I really enjoyed you telling me Good Night each evening too.

LOL ron..are you still dreaming of those beaches and palm trees?

Thank you soo much for this! I have really enjoyed this Hatch A Long. I have met some really nice folks on here! Chicken people are the best ever!!
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