The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Quote: LOL-- of course they are empty!! lol Will look for the neon colors-- I know which ones those are!

Quote: Getting the marnas eggs to dry properly seems to be an issue, as well as athey often take longer than 21 days. I pull a few eggs at 25 days, and one was still alive. I felt horrible as it died right there. I tried the broodies after that--

Well we are late for the party! I had set eggs late, on 3/30 then on april 15 I turned the eggs and went to bed without turning the bator back on. Thought I'd killed everyone. Well candling a couple nights later showed some were still alive. so I am still waiting. Dropping to 68 degrees overnight has delayed them. Maybe tomorrow....
GOod luck!!!

Don't know what is wrong. Every time I set my eggs I never get more than 50% to hatch. Worse luck with quail. I use the dry method. Ps help.
I kept a notebook with lots of info. location of temps, the temps, etc. and then evaluated after each hatch. Really improved my hatching rate.

Here is a picture of my first chick to hatch. This is how I feel most Mondays...


Very interesting hand feeding instructins!!

For the chick of mine who's putting her feet over her head and her head going down, how much poly vi sol should I be giving her a day?

Also, I came across a post here on BYC about "crazy chick disease". Looks like what's going on with my chick, the only difference being that she can't stand because she's bicycling her legs up and back, instead of walking backwards like what I saw in the video.

Could this be what's wrong with her???
Too much vitamins can be as much a problem as giving enough. Definitely a good thing to get the right dosing.

I had a chick that could not stand up, feet stretched forward to her beak. I gently stretched the tendons to get the legs in to normal crouching position and just held the legs in posistion. DId this several times, then let chick run with the older chicks, and with a little assistence te legs started to maintain proper position. If she gets on her back she cannot flip back -- needs assistence. Overall much improved in 12 hours. Given the time since yours hatched, the PT needs to be more gentle and will take longer.
Im on day 23 and have 10 more eggs tht havnt hatched. All hatched fri and sat except one tht hatched ths morning. Should I candle thm and see or wait it out for anothr day or so? I dont hear chirping or see egg movement
I personally would candle...I did that this am and found them to be dead in their shells.

I hope you have happier results!
Final count is easy.....1 Marranduna Basque hatched out of the total number of original setup eggs. Only locked down 25. This is really horrid. I have got to figure out what DH is doing. UGH!

I am so so sorry! I am sure the hatched chick is very loved. Now to find it friends? Remind me why you can't hatch at home? I am sure your DH feels like dirt about this too!
[COLOR=800080] Final Count for me and the singing incubator from hell: 3 chicks (out of 10 set) [/COLOR] Tiny little bantams. One hatched on it's own on Sunday, and I helped the other two out (a lot) they are pets though, and look good so lets hope they are really well and the bator was the issue!
YAY!!! I was curious to see how you were going to Fair! Some is better than none!!! Curiosity has me...... Did you have the Singing incubator from hell play Happy Birthday for them?!? :-D
We need more information. How many were set, what breeds, shipped or local, If fertile when did they quit?

Also, what is your incubator, hygrometer and thermometer.

This might help:

[ATTACHMENT=370]Hatchability Problem analysis.pdf (1,708k. pdf file)[/ATTACHMENT]
16 of my own quail eggs. Haven't done an eggtopsy yet. I have two digital thermometer and one gauge combo. All read roughly the same. Temp was steady sound 100. Hydro was around 10
I set 2 batches of eggs. My first batch set was 14 eggs. All 14 made it to lockdown. 12 hatched. (about 86%) This was the test group to make sure the incubator I built actually worked. Pics below from the first hatch.

The second batch may start hatching tomorrow. - but no pips yet. 23 eggs set, 3 bloodrings tossed at day 14, and 20 went into lockdown. Most of these are shipped eggs, so who knows what will happen.

It's time to announce the winner of the Best Hatch Participant.

This prize goes to a member that is supportive and helpful to others during the hatch.

We discussed it, and even received a PM suggesting this person, so this year's Best Hatch Participant is..............


Congratulations! You have won a 1 year GFM!
Your temperature is too low. Next time increase the temperature by .5 degree or so. Keep doing this every hatch until they hatch on time.

Thanks Happy Chooks!!! Your observation just made me realize that maybe because I did a staggered hatch, and had to open the incubator several times 2 weeks ago to get hatching chicks out that maybe the cooling off is what is making my hatch take so long this time!?!? Going forward I do think i will NOT be doing a staggered hatch again. So far I have 9/14 hatched and in the Brooder... 1 more pipped... 1 that died in the shell (i think she pipped into a vein... im not brave enough to egg-topsy) and three more that are moving but no external pips... Yet! haha.... Ill let ya know when its all said and done! :)
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