The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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The welcoming committee showed them a nice warm spot to take a nap :)

The third one was off running around, guess (s)he perked up fast!
These are Day 10.They are jetting around thier eggs like crazy! Have fun guys its gonna get cramped soon!
I need opinions on the (especially the top 3):
Pretty sure this one is bad/clear?

Blood ring/vein? Maybe? It doesnt move and not much veining at all.

Almost positive that nothing could live in that one!

There was something there I swear. Shes moving around like a crack hen.

Another crack hen but you can see her veins.

Again veins. I think they were playing hide and seek with my camera!

Can see a smidge of baby in the top.

This one is named Rooster Egg by my awesome step son.

This one almost got away from the camera.
I would go to turning the HAL eggs only once or twice per day during lockdown & not at all during active hatch. Stop turning when you hear a peep or see a pip. Resume turning once all chicks from the first batch hatch.

ok.... i just didnt know for sure if I could "slow down" on turning the HAL eggs because I have been told by many "make sure you turn those eggs mornin noon and night... and not an even amount of times... and first thing in the morning because they sat still all night..." etc.... I didnt think to very well when i set my eggs.... but it wasnt until the HAL came around that I realized my stupid mistake of not setting the eggs a week sooner than when i did (DERP) Hopefully ill have some wee widdle babies to show off this weekend. Considering its my first time hatching all by myself I predict a sleep deprived weekend. haha
ok.... i just didnt know for sure if I could "slow down" on turning the HAL eggs because I have been told by many "make sure you turn those eggs mornin noon and night... and not an even amount of times... and first thing in the morning because they sat still all night..." etc.... I didnt think to very well when i set my eggs.... but it wasnt until the HAL came around that I realized my stupid mistake of not setting the eggs a week sooner than when i did (DERP)  Hopefully ill have some wee widdle babies to show off this weekend. Considering its my first time hatching all by myself I predict a sleep deprived weekend. haha

It'll be worth it, promise! (Though sleep deprived is tight if you can hear them peep from your bed!)
It'll be worth it, promise! (Though sleep deprived is tight if you can hear them peep from your bed!)

Well...... for the weekend.... I am moving my bed to the couch in the living room by the steps to the basement where my incubator is.... And my poor 1 yr old son is relocating with me for the weekend so I can hear both through the night. (again... I overcompensate in the worry department) haha
You're welcome.
I run 4 bators stuffed full & only turn 1-2 times per day. My bators are all still air & hand turned, over 200 eggs currently. I still have 75-90% hatch rates on my own eggs & 40-60% on shipped. A lot of the ones I pull are clears from pens I'm checking fertility on, so rates on fertile eggs are actually higher. I've actually found mine hatch better when I turn only 1-2 times per day rather than 3-5 times. It probably has to do with humidity & temps staying more stable since the bator is open less.


ps... thanks Silkie Sensation. :) I appreciate it...
My bators are in my kids' rooms. I started out with them in my room, but that was just too noisy. When I first moved the bators to their rooms it would wake them up when chicks started peeping & hatching. Now they sleep through it & I usually get up once between 1-3am when I have chicks hatching just to check progress & make sure humidity is high enough. Other than that, my chicks hatch all on their own.
Haha... Silkie Sensation.... I just stick to my 3x/day only because thats how people have told me to do it.Im glad to know that its ok to just turn them twice because sometimes i have to call my mom while at work and she is baby sitting and have her turn them for me... which she isnt very interested in doing.
I do turn as fast as possible so the temps/humidity do not fluctuate too much, so far my temps have only went down as far as 95 while turning... im not a brave one with candling but i did take time a few times to candle them just to make sure they were growing correctly... so out of the 17 set to hatch this weekend all of them looked to be on target as of monday. I couldnt put an incubator in my kids rooms as my oldest constantly has friends in and out and they are "rowdy"... i would worry about them knocking the incubators over or something. haha My incubator is currently in the basement which is where my brooder is.... Ill be ok on the couch but considering its my "first unsupervised" hatch (its been almost 20 years since we last hatched) im a little anxious/nervous to see how my hatch rate goes! :)
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