The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Quote: I can't really see the tiny water channels on the bottom so I have a tupperware bowl positioned under a vent hole. I just pour some water through the hole and viola! lol I noticed the papertowel I have in it went dry yesterday but humidity didn't seem affected until an hour ago. I'll be sure not to let it dry again. My first time using this incubator so I'm learning it's tricks with temp and humidity. I do love it though. Can't wait for the little pipper to hatch. Its the first egg from my only bantam EE. Dad is a Jap/Cornish cross banty. Should be interesting!
I am so stealing this

Contest #4

Brinsea’s Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest!

5th Annual 2014 Easter Hatch-a-long!

We are looking for the cutest baby Fowl out there!


A Panel of Judges will determine the winner!

The Prize:
Mini Advance Incubator

Courtesy of Brinsea

Lets go people!
Snap them Gorgeous BOYS!

Contest #7

Most Striking Domestic MALE Fowl Contest!

5th Annual 2014 Easter Hatch-a-long!

Have a gorgeous male in your flock?

We want to see HIM!
ONE MALE domestic Fowl entry per Member,
up to three images of this same Male in order to show all of his STRIKING Features!
A panel of judges will determine the winner!

2 Prizes for the top 2 winners!

5 coupons for each winner!
In the form of manufacturer's coupons that may be redeemed for FREE bags!
Each coupon is worth a free bag of Nutrena NatureWise or Nutrena Country Feeds!


Courtesy of Nutrena

Random Funny Posting

Mini Contests FUN Night!
5th Annual 2014 Easter Hatch-a-long PARTICIPANTS ONLY

Clear Your Schedules
Mark Your Calendars!
Friday April 11th

Donations are

STILL NEEDED for Mini contests!
If we dont get enough for Mini Contests we will still hold the random posting and offer all prizes for that alone.

We thought it would be fun to bring back some cool mini contests during a fun in posting night, its not necessary but with what we have planned it should be really fun to get involved with, so please donate and please MARK YOUR CALENDARS for that day/eve! see thread for times!

please message Sally Sunshine with donations!

Reminder this is run by hatchers and WON by participating hatchers only!
Listed below are some $5. and up ideas, reminder donator will also pay shipping to get the product to winner!

Hatching eggs of any type in sets of 6+, 10+ 12+, etc.
(please include a link if you have one to the image/s of your flock if not we will simply link your profile page)
BYC GFM Memberships donations (you simply purchase a 6 or 12 month GFM for winner)

BYC Chillin with my Peeps clothing

Amazon is an endless source of items, books, chicken stuff and most can be sent to Canadian residents as well! Last year some of us found some cool chicken books, recipe books, coffee mugs and so on!
Incubation tools are always a great item too, example weigh scales, thermometers and so forth!
Used items in GREAT shape may also be donated!
Hand made items are always great!
HERE is the link to LAST years prizes and donations!

We hope we can come up with even more for the mini contests!

NOTE: if you’re purchasing from Amazon or another webstore please be sure to send us the link to the item you’re donating so we can get the information!

NOTE: Gardeningmama will be setting up emails in the days following with the winner and donator to follow through that everyone gets their items!

We got a few more prizes, KEEP them coming in!

I want to join, how do I sign up?
Consider yourself signed up!

Stopped at the PO this morning to give them a heads up that I have eggs coming and to call me. She was super nice and was very familiar with chicks and hatching eggs coming and said they always bring them in and call right away - WHEW!! I am like a crazy person over here (first time ever incubating eggs!)!!

I moved my incubator up into my bedroom to see if it will be warmer up there versus in the main area of the house. I also checked the temp of my basement to see what it would be since that's where I'll store the eggs until Saturday. It was 54f so I think that should be okay... right!?

OH and what kind of egg cartons should I try and collect??? The paper kind or the styrofoam kind??? And I cut the bottoms out a little right? I'm going to put the eggs in my bator IN the egg cartons fat end up for the first few days since they're shipped eggs.

Wow can you tell I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee?!
Doesn't matter - all that matters is that eggs are WIDE end up. I should have had 3 cups of coffee today, I could have used it.

That is super cute!

About 90 miles I live N if Okla City and S of Guthrie. We have about 65 acres. I have peacocks and guineas. I am afraid to have chickens because they can carry a parasite they is detrimental to peafowl; and they cannot defend themselves. I have seen bobcats and coyotes!
I did not know that about chickens carrying a parasite on to peafowl. Is it similar to blackhead in turkeys?

My CCL eggs are on the way. :) Woot! I am looking forward to an autosexing breed for my laying flock. Always a sucker for those blue eggs in the basket.

I needed more eggs for the Easter Hatch. NEEDED, I say. :D
You definitely need them for blue eggs. They lay such a beautiful blue egg too!

I had a basement bedroom after DD#2 moved out, but then DD#1 moved back in and her stuff is now in my "incubator room" and I wasn't able to participate in last year's hatch, but I decided that I was going to this year despite all her stuff being in my room! LOL
I say put that incubator in her room and make it uncomfortable, maybe she'll move out again!

we would love to join your Easter hatch along it sounds fun

Hi! I would like to join in the Easter Hatch-a-long! I will be setting 11 Rhode Island White eggs (shipped) and 22 barnyard mix eggs. I have RIR, Easter Egger, and Black Silkie Roo over RIR, RSL, White Leghorn, White Rock, Black and Blue Silkie, Black Jersey Giant, Black Orpinton, and Silkie/Jap hens.

This will only be my 3rd time using my incubator so I hope for improved results!
Welcome! How cool on the Rhode Island Whites, they are pretty rare!

I want to join
After an awful winter which cost me a few juveniles plus a bator full of BBS English orp eggs (4 day power outage), I think Im ready to start incubating again!
Welcome! Do over!

Can I join? Promised a friend who wants chicks for her granddaughter for Easter I would hatch for her. I just hatched 7, bought chicks yesterday because I wanted turkeys and more br's. Have 16 more mixed breeds in the barn brooder. My DH said stop, but I can't. So now I will hatch for friends. Just hatching mutt eggs, black JG over BR, RIR, Leghorn. Getting some really cute babies.
Of course, welcome! Just tell DH it's a tradition.

Here is my latest hatch it is a guinea
Adorable! Congrats!

Can I join the fun? I've got chukars in my incubator. If I'm right, they should hatch just shy of easter!
Of course, welcome! I can't wait to see what a chukar chick looks like.

This is a true story.

I was outside taking care of chickens. I knew the mail had come, but hadn't looked at it yet. All of a sudden, my DH comes outside and yells..Cal Ranch has their still air incubators on sale! I looked up at him, and just stood there! What? I mean, I did hear what he said, but what? Ha ha..he said it again. Cal Ranch has their still air incubators on sale, and he says the price. He knew I was looking to get another bator and sell my old one, so he let me know. I had actually already bought anther one off the internet..but...we headed for Cal Ranch.
He knows I have the other one coming.
Can your DH come give my DH lessons?

Yea why wait?

OMG, that is SOOOOOOOO wrong Sally!

my first baby chick just hatched !!! yay !!! im so excited !!

I was actually wondering, do any of us actually EAT eggs anymore?
Yep, every morning. Love my eggs. I will never again eat store bought eggs.

I am new here. I have a new Genesis bator set up and ready to go. Collecting eggs from my mixed flock.

As much as possible! I've struggled with malnutrition for the past six months (heart failure = no appetite). And we all know eggs are nutrient bombs! So I put them on or in everything I eat. Started making "drinks" of simply whipped eggs with some berries and sugar twice a day - my vitamin stats are really climbing, and my energy levels with it
I hope your health improves!

Despite the freezing weather I believe I've collected eggs before they were frozen. The two girls in the breeding pen are laying up a storm. Collected 8 eggs in 5 days with 4 more days to go. Looks like I'll at least have a bakers dozen for the hatch. Not bad considering they laid their first eggs last week of February and already done with the pullet eggs.
Not frozen is great!

So I'm on day 20 of my current batch. The humidity has stayed a constant 65-67 since lockdown started and now when I went to check I have a pip and my humidity is dropping like a stone. Went from 66 to 54 in an hour...I thought humidity went UP when chicks started pipping?
I added some water thru a vent hole into a dish with a papertowel to bump it back up. Think any harm was done? I'll have to watch for this during my Easter Hatch.
They'll be fine. Humidity will increase more when the first hatches. If several hatch at once, it can spike too high.

That is priceless!
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