The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Here is a pic. If you want details just let me know.

Oh, I am so going to have the DH build that. What are the rubber pieces?

Good morning all!!!

Question - what day do I candle for "Day 7"? I set them last Saturday around 2pm. So does that mean after 2pm today starts the 7th day? Or do I wait until tomorrow after 2pm? I'm not sure how this works

And from what I've read if I see any clears I could choose to leave them until Day 10 as long as they don't smell or weep or anything...

When is everyone else going to candle??? I can't wait!!!!!!
I candled this morning. Can't see much, and I had one blood ring, but the rest look good.

Skipping 8 pages...
Last night we had a storm and I think it tripped my surge protecter. (Either that or my cat did it) either way, I know it was running at 2 am. When I checked it at 7:30, the air temp was down go 73! Should they still make it?
I have had a hatch with 3 major power outages and still got 1/2 of them to hatch. Plug it back in and let it come back up to temperature. Also remember, a hen will get off the nest too, and the eggs will cool.
Everyone is talking about candling. YIKES! I did a quick check on day 3, I had to 2nd hatch and I set 43 eggs, and some of them I'm hatching for a friend so I don't even know if her eggs she got me were even fertile. So I had to look. So I'm not trying to hold out till tomorrow to candle again. My 1st hatch, I was good, I left them alone till day 7, 14, 18. But this one I can't help it I want to take a peek at them every time I rotate, I told my husband he will have to hide my mini flashlight.

Can you over candle? Just wondering. I'm probably going to candle them either tonight or tomorrow for day 7, and then leave them till 14, unless I have clears I will mark those to check at 10. Just thoughts on that.
Power back on at 630 this morning... Bators were down to 64 but they heated up quickly once the power came back. So I shall see! I realy don't want to lose the Orps in there... Only 2 Jubilees left from the 7 I received. They were on day 12 (I think I've kind of lost track of my days... :oops: )
Power back on at 630 this morning... Bators were down to 64 but they heated up quickly once the power came back. So I shall see! I realy don't want to lose the Orps in there... Only 2 Jubilees left from the 7 I received. They were on day 12 (I think I've kind of lost track of my days...
Read this:
The P.O. just called! Guess what eggs finally made it here?!
Shows mailed the 25th, only 10 days out is all. I asked if the box, she says if it did I would throw up. I am so sensitive to smells! I am picturing her putting the box aside as she says this.

Quote: you should post this on the processing thread for others, thats shweet!
you set eggs at the beginning of day one

everything else is measured at the end of the day

if you set on a sat at 2pm then you candle at the end of day seven - sat at 2 pm

an eighteen day lockdown starts at the end ofday eighteen - wed at 2pm

if you had your temps set right your chicks should be out by the end of day 21
DH bday today, Good old school AppleCake in the oven! How many of your recipes are in terrible shape? I have about 10 that are so discussting! Its one of those things you never take time to rewrite them, now my grandmothers are a different story, I NEVER will replace them, I can feel her and smell the kitchen just look at her writing

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