The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Just wanted to give everyone an update looks like I will be in Colorado for a while. My Foster Dad is very ill he had a blood order that they were treating that has sense turned into leukemia it was affecting his lungs and his blood marrow but they had gotten it under control but unfortuantly the treatment did not keep it out of his brain and he now has a lesion on his brain. We found all this out because he fell on tuesday he was not found right away when he fell right away and as a result aspirated and has pneumonia now. We are now waiting for the pneumonia to clear up so that he can be taken off the respirator after he is taken off the respirator we will then decide whether or not to start radiation on the lesion. This is a very stressful time I am not sure what the future holds all I can do is sit and wait and pray. On a different note the 100 eggs I locked down before I left on wed. are ow hatching my daughter is taking excellent care of them and so far there are 37 healthy chicks there were three chicks that were weak when I left from the previous hatch and unfortuantly they did pass away but I know that we can not save them all. TY for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted.
Just wanted to give everyone an update looks like I will be in Colorado for a while. My Foster Dad is very ill he had a blood order that they were treating that has sense turned into leukemia it was affecting his lungs and his blood marrow but they had gotten it under control but unfortuantly the treatment did not keep it out of his brain and he now has a lesion on his brain. We found all this out because he fell on tuesday he was not found right away when he fell right away and as a result aspirated and has pneumonia now. We are now waiting for the pneumonia to clear up so that he can be taken off the respirator after he is taken off the respirator we will then decide whether or not to start radiation on the lesion. This is a very stressful time I am not sure what the future holds all I can do is sit and wait and pray.  On a different note the 100 eggs I locked down before I left on wed. are ow hatching my daughter is taking excellent care of them and so far there are 37 healthy chicks there were three chicks that were weak when I left from the previous hatch and unfortuantly they did pass away but I know that we can not save them all. TY for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))
We lost a bird recently and have been keeping all poultry locked in runs, only free ranging when we're outside with them. Well....they were out ALL day yesterday by accident, I fully expected to lose birds as I couldn't be home. But lucky us, my Bella was on the job, we lost no birds and I caught a shot of her chasing off what I think is a red tailed hawk.

Just wanted to give everyone an update looks like I will be in Colorado for a while. My Foster Dad is very ill he had a blood order that they were treating that has sense turned into leukemia it was affecting his lungs and his blood marrow but they had gotten it under control but unfortuantly the treatment did not keep it out of his brain and he now has a lesion on his brain. We found all this out because he fell on tuesday he was not found right away when he fell right away and as a result aspirated and has pneumonia now. We are now waiting for the pneumonia to clear up so that he can be taken off the respirator after he is taken off the respirator we will then decide whether or not to start radiation on the lesion. This is a very stressful time I am not sure what the future holds all I can do is sit and wait and pray.  On a different note the 100 eggs I locked down before I left on wed. are ow hatching my daughter is taking excellent care of them and so far there are 37 healthy chicks there were three chicks that were weak when I left from the previous hatch and unfortuantly they did pass away but I know that we can not save them all. TY for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted.

Oh my, so sorry :hugs I sure hope he makes a recovery from this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Glad your daughter could step in to your shoes and take care of the chicks. :hugs
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Oh good, so I'm not the only one who wants to try.. Lol It may seem wrong to some but if it was left in the nest I am sure the hen would try to hatch it.... That being said... Mine is in my bator also.. I had to see what happens.. Good or bad.

We are in this together then. I will let you know in 5 days if I have any development.

Correction, I candled the egg this evening, and the wife and I decided that it would not be worth the troubles if it were to develop. So, I pulled it from the incubator and cracked it open and found that it was not fertile...I hope this rooster is doing his business, I do have a high hen to rooster ratio. I just hope all 38 in the incubator are growing. Best of luck to you.
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i was nervous i ordered 8 eggs and 3 are alive and those clear spots to the dark spot was a blood ring like is it or is that an air sack or what is that clear spot?
I didn't see any blood rings in your pictures.

Just wanted to give everyone an update looks like I will be in Colorado for a while. My Foster Dad is very ill he had a blood order that they were treating that has sense turned into leukemia it was affecting his lungs and his blood marrow but they had gotten it under control but unfortuantly the treatment did not keep it out of his brain and he now has a lesion on his brain. We found all this out because he fell on tuesday he was not found right away when he fell right away and as a result aspirated and has pneumonia now. We are now waiting for the pneumonia to clear up so that he can be taken off the respirator after he is taken off the respirator we will then decide whether or not to start radiation on the lesion. This is a very stressful time I am not sure what the future holds all I can do is sit and wait and pray. On a different note the 100 eggs I locked down before I left on wed. are ow hatching my daughter is taking excellent care of them and so far there are 37 healthy chicks there were three chicks that were weak when I left from the previous hatch and unfortuantly they did pass away but I know that we can not save them all. TY for all you kind words, thoughts and prayers and I will keep you posted.
I'm sorry that things are not going as well as you hoped. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

We lost a bird recently and have been keeping all poultry locked in runs, only free ranging when we're outside with them. Well....they were out ALL day yesterday by accident, I fully expected to lose birds as I couldn't be home. But lucky us, my Bella was on the job, we lost no birds and I caught a shot of her chasing off what I think is a red tailed hawk.
Good girl Bella!
[COLOR=0000FF]We lost a bird recently and have been keeping all poultry locked in runs, only free ranging when we're outside with them. Well....they were out ALL day yesterday by accident, I fully expected to lose birds as I couldn't be home. But lucky us, my Bella was on the job, we lost no birds and I caught a shot of her chasing off what I think is a red tailed hawk.[/COLOR]
Good dog! :)
:'( my dog killed all the chicks and the older duck.... :'( I'm so sad right now and my dh is really upset since u left in charge. The only survivor is the baby that just hatched.
That hurts my heart..... its worse when your own dog does it. I am sooooooo sorry.
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