The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Okey Dokey!!!!!

I REALLY appreciate all the feedback on how to peel fresh eggs. Actually, SO MUCH SO that I am going to try all 3 methods that were suggested to me. Which will be the BEST method (for me)? I homeschool so this should be a Fantastic project for my kiddos to learn today! Thank you all so much for the ideas.

For those who do not know, in light of the wonderful picture of pickled eggs, questions came to mind on how to peel fresh eggs, especially 6 DOZEN of them.
Summer is coming and sometimes we can feel over run with eggs.


Here are the 3 testing ideas that will happen. The question is, "Which will be the best method for me to peel fresh eggs"?

1. Steam fresh eggs for 20 minutes. They should peel like store bought eggs.

2. Boil eggs as normal but add baking soda. After cool down, they should peel like store bought eggs.

3. Boil eggs as normal. Do NOT use the plastic container shakable method (epic fail) but, use a glass jar with a little water. The shells should come off very easy.

DISCLAIMER!!!! In no way do I think any of these ways are better than another. I am simply trying to find which way is the best for me and, I thought it might be a fun thing for all of us to enjoy what I find...while we are all waiting patiently
for our chicks to hatch.
Pictures will follow my results! Happy peeling!
That's a GREAT idea!! I'm anxious to see the results. I use the baking soda in water method, except I peel them while they're still warm...the shells slide right off.
I got inspired by everyone else's pickled egg talk so I tried to make some myself. These were fresh eggs and i would say only two or three of them turned out "ugly" from peeling. here's what I did: boiled them in water with a dash of salt, when the water was boiling i turned the heat off but left it on the burner and cover it for 10 minutes, then immediately dumped out the hot water and ran cold, and dumped the ice maker from my freezer into the pot as well. let them cool for 30 minutes and put them in the fridge overnight, peeled them the next day and they peeled fine, the worst one is the one you can see in the picture.

Uh oh
I think I lost my last egg. Day 12, and this is what it looks like. Veins are dissolving and there's no movement at all. I checked it a couple of days ago and could see healthy veins and a little bobbing action from the embryo. If it's dead, that's 3 clears and 16 quitters for me, and I'm out.
Sorry about your hatch. What was the source of your eggs? If they were your own, is it possible they have a lethal gene? Are the parents related? Did you have any issues with incubator settings?
Candled again last night, after a little more research on what I was actually looking at. Out of 48 eggs, 23 definitely had little heartbeat!. I had a hard time what was actually air sac though, and could hardly see anything in my green and darker eggs.
Candled again last night, after a little more research on what I was actually looking at. Out of 48 eggs, 23 definitely had little heartbeat!. I had a hard time what was actually air sac though, and could hardly see anything in my green and darker eggs.
I think if I remember correctly from the pics you posted, you are candling from the pointy end. You will get better results if you candle from the round/large end and thats where you will see the air sac as well.
Chiming in on the "Ways to make peeling Hardboiled, Fresh eggs easier" conversation...

We found a suggestion somewhere on the Internet that said to use a push pin to make a small hole in the shell at the air sac end of the egg before boiling, then boil in water as normal, and the egg should be easy to peel! It works great for us!

Uh oh
I think I lost my last egg. Day 12, and this is what it looks like. Veins are dissolving and there's no movement at all. I checked it a couple of days ago and could see healthy veins and a little bobbing action from the embryo. If it's dead, that's 3 clears and 16 quitters for me, and I'm out.
Red! I'm so sorry! Total bummer!

Uh oh :( I think I lost my last egg. Day 12, and this is what it looks like. Veins are dissolving and there's no movement at all. I checked it a couple of days ago and could see healthy veins and a little bobbing action from the embryo. If it's dead, that's 3 clears and 16 quitters for me, and I'm out.


I wish we knew the reason they are doing this!
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