The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!


Oh don't remind me! I just got that off my mind for the first time all day....
I'm counting down the days until they announce the winner


So today i started my search for "cool" store eggs, i went to three different "health" stores looking for EE eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, etc...
No luck finding any EE eggs, but i have seen them there before, why didn't i think to try to hatch them when i saw them a while back!?
I found some duck eggs but i contacted the farm, and they told me that they don't have any drakes yet, but they are going to get drakes in the spring (not in time for the easter HAL). and absolutely no quail eggs.

BUT i did see something that i technically didn't come in looking for... BLACK COPPER MARAN EGGS! So pretty!
The farm they were from was CAROL'S EGGS. I contacted them this morning asking if they were fertile, but they haven't emailed me back yet... hoping they are fertile!
On their website they said they have Ameraucana eggs available in some stores, my store is not one of them, bummer.
It has been a good day, even though i didn't find the eggs i was looking for i still found some "cool" eggs
I did not buy any eggs, i was using everything inside of me to wait until the HAL...

Like my rainbow post? lol


Well my DH may divorce me. He saw that I had put 3 of the Olive Egger eggs in the incubator with the Silver Coturnix and got all upset because I hadn't told him I was doing that. What I couldn't bring myself to tell him is about the 18 rare chicken eggs that I hadn't yet put in. He is afraid that I will get stuck with birds that won't sell. It is true that at the moment I have 3 too many roos. I am placing them on Craig's List but I was waiting a week more because a week ago two of the three tag teamed my senior roo Long John and they are all scratched up. So they have been locked up in the coop while John and the hens roost in the old falling down shed. Makes it hard to find the eggs though one of the girls comes and lays at the foot of my front steps.
If they fail to move in a reasonable time they are going to freezer camp and I will have some gorgeous feathers for art projects.

I tend to see all the ways things can go right and he sees all the ways things can go wrong.

Tell your husband that some crazy woman on here is going to set 100 plus eggs that her husband doesn't know about. (yet)

Best case scenario is he'll think you are totally awesome and wonderful in comparison!
Worse case scenario...we could share rent while we're divorcing?


You are obsessed with tree fiddy. As a friend, I thought you should know that.

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About a week ago, I set something like 37 chicken eggs and 40 turkey eggs. I candled the chicken eggs tonight and it looks like almost all of them have excellent veining :) there were a few that I couldn't see into very well but the ones that I could are good to go ;) it's too early to get a good look at the turkey eggs though so I'll check them in another week.

In the hatcher, I have 18 turkey eggs. So far, 5 are hatched 2 are unzipping and most of the rest are pipped. Feeling good tonight
I didn't ask if they were fertile or not.

Sorry for not trimming--I'm on my phone...

Was that at me...about not asking if they are fertile?
If it is...yes, the Vorwerk and the other breeds are supposed to be fertile. I purchased them from a breeder.

Now I just have to hatch them successfully!
pretty much sums up how I'm feeling about the purchased!
@Sally Sunshine You asked! And thank you for asking. My DH is doing soo much better. Still no lab report back on the cancer, but soon. I'm not worried, if you are going to have a skin cancer, I am reading this is the easiest one to take care of. Not as much coughing from his cold now, he is feeling stronger too. So thank you!

This weekend? We are going to dinner..hopefully DH will feel a whole lot better by tomorrow meet our son's future in laws. He is getting married in April. Our baby. Yes, our baby. Happy, I am happy. We love this girl he is marrying. She is a sweetheart.

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