The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

set 41 eggs, 17 made it to lock down. 6 hatched. I opened the 4 of mine that were still in the incubator. 2 were infertile, & the other 2 had fully formed chicks that had died. There are still 7 more eggs in the incubator, but I don't think they will do anything. If I'm wrong I'll update this post.
Well I just checked my chicken eggs. They are generating heat as opposed to most of my remaining quail eggs that seem cool. Still no pips. I had lowered my temperature .2˚ C during my quail hatching and now I am wondering if I should raise it back up. I had it at 38˚C.

I know that may be confusing to most but the moral of the lesson is this: Don't order you STC-1000 thermostat late at night and get confused and order the Celcius one. On the other hand I am getting a handle on metric temperatures.
Well I just checked my chicken eggs. They are generating heat as opposed to most of my remaining quail eggs that seem cool. Still no pips. I had lowered my temperature .2˚ C during my quail hatching and now I am wondering if I should raise it back up. I had it at 38˚C.

I know that may be confusing to most but the moral of the lesson is this: Don't order you STC-1000 thermostat late at night and get confused and order the Celcius one. On the other hand I am getting a handle on metric temperatures.

Mine is also in Celcius. I thought they all were. On my third hatch with my STC. Best thing I ever did to up the hatch rate on my LG.
I set 8 shipped lavender Orpington eggs, 3 showed movement at lockdown. So far I have 2 babies and one pip that's been trying to zip all day. It's beak is sticking out of the hole and I can see it breathing. It started piping lengthwise at first, so I'm going to give it the night and and see if it's out. But I'm pretty happy to have my little fluffy butts!!
Whoooo bator is all set for the hatch day tomorrow :celebrate I can hardly contain my excitement :lol:
How long does it take for the eggs to complete the hatching process from pip to out of the egg and do they usually hatch at night or something :confused:

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