The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Final count 27. Started with 72.

None hatched in the incubator that was down to 65 degrees at day 8 even though they developed to lockdown. I'm sure it was for the best they didn't hatch if they were that affected. That is also the Brinsea that needs to go back to the company. It is going to stay empty long enough to make the trip after that hatch! I'm convinced!

Of the 27 that hatched, one of the shipped eggs had severe wry neck. I gave it nutri drench, 1 drop every 3 hours for 3 times and now you can't tell it from the other chicks. I have not had one that bad recover so completely before.

Of the shipped eggs; 2 of the 13 with completely detached air cells from Feather meadow hatched. 2 of the 6 from J-Bar hatched and 5 of 12 from Alchemist Farm hatched. So 9 of 28, which is not all that good even for shipped eggs.

The chicks I have look great. I just got the last one out this morning. I will get pictures after I'm sure everybody is stable. They started hatching Friday and I'm calling it quits this morning. That was all in the same incubator. IDK what would cause such a long hatch. I monitored the temps with a spot check as well as the digital readout on the Brinsea. In that incubator, they were consistently 100.3 for the incubation and 99.3 for the hatch. The humidity was 30 and 65. I would appreciate any thoughts on why it went on this long.

Congratulations on all the chicks.

And to the ones with less than great hatches...It happens to all of us sometimes, even if we are experienced hatchers! My last hatch was 100% on my Silverudd Blues and this one was closer to 10%. Same hens, same eggs, but different circumstances. Don't Give UP! Your 100% hatch is just around the corner!

Got to get the incubator cleaned up. Have Golden Cuckoo Marans eggs from Morbius18 in the mail! I can't wait. He has some drop dead gorgeous chickens!!!
Thank you Morbius18
@mlm Mike
Final update: 13 ducklings hatched out of 16 eggs set. That last one definitely wants to live. After helping it out all the way, I left it in the incubator overnight, expecting it to probably be dead or very weak this morning. Instead it is jumping around and cheeping, looking for the grub. I put it in with the rest of the ducklings in the brooder. Even though it's smaller (the other ducklings have been hatched at least a day and eating lots of food), it's holding its own and running around with the others.
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Yes, all the chicks that I saw who came out of the blue/green eggs have dark legs. Here's a picture of a small group of them. (The one in the middle I believe was out of a brown egg, so either my Brown Bovan Hen or my Silver Laced Wyandotte.)

@mlm Mike

Final Totals: 28 set, 10 hatched.

18 shipped eggs, 3 hatched
10 homegrown eggs, 7 hatched

Here's the first 8, the last two (shipped) were a day later and had some unabsorbed yolk so are still resting in the incubator.
Congratulations, thank you! Cute photo.

Lol, I just noticed my screen name on the first page says sunshinechick98 instead of 83. I find it particularly funny because it's my birth year. I'm 15 years yonger!!
You're Welcome!

oh crud! that was to be in the april hal oh well perhaps it can help someone
to many tabs not enough brains
You could have just edited your post!

@mlm Mike Total hatched = 20

Congrats to all who had successful hatches!

Don't give up to all you didn't do as well as you wanted.
There are other hatchalongs and you will learn more each time you join one....and you will meet some of the most helpful, generous, wonderful people while you learn more!

Thank you Happy Chooks, ronott, Mike and Sally for all of your hard work to make this hatchalong a great one!

Congratulations! Thank you! And thank you for your prize donations!

@mlm Mike

My final hatch is 5
Congtatulations! Thank You!

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