The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

I'm definitely participating! My Current incubator only holds 7 eggs, so I want to get a larger one. Any recommendations?

Hi :welcome & the thread!

There are so many to choose from out there. Do you have an idea on size you would like? How hands on do you want to be i.e. do you want to hand turn or have an auto turn? Budget is also a big factor if buying. You could make your own incubator for a fraction of the cost.

For me personally I would recommend a Brinsea. I am biased though as I have one that does it all for me so incubating is stress free and not time consuming. It's also very reliable and steady.
They are more pricey but in my opinion totally worth it.
This will be our first year hatching eggs out but we are hopeful to hatch out some Welsh Harlequin Ducklings and possibly some Japanese Quail also! Wish us luck! We hope you all have good luck too!

Your Fellow Homesteader,

The mess would drive me crazy, I like things tidy. Good luck with the eggs on day 23 :fl
I'm afraid I can't just get right now. Avian flu restrictions are in place here so no bird movement at the moment. The watering solution sound good though!
Our review section would be a great place to check out ~
Yes they are lovely but I'm not sure how they would go down with my neighbors! I already have chickens that are very chatty and even a couple that scream for attention :gig

Oh yes, totally forgot about the avian flu.... That's a bummer.

Will find pics in a bit. It's made out of a 2x4, a 1gal rubber pan, and a 6x18 ish piece of thin board.

This will be our first year hatching eggs out but we are hopeful to hatch out some Welsh Harlequin Ducklings and possibly some Japanese Quail also! Wish us luck! We hope you all have good luck too!

Your Fellow Homesteader,


Welshies!! Good luck!
i would love to be a part of this this year! Please add me in. I have quietly followed this event the last couple of years and will definitely be setting eggs March 25. I hope to be hatching BLR Wyandotte eggs from a local breeder.
I'm definitely participating! My Current incubator only holds 7 eggs, so I want to get a larger one. Any recommendations?

Here's a post I put up earlier on my recommended incubator. Just raider to quote it lol

I highly recommend this one. This is one of the ones I have and its very stable and not bad price wise. I only use it as a hatcher now but it was my main incubator before I upgraded to a cabinet.

2362E Hova-Bator Incubator with Fan and Electronic Thermostat

Best price I've found at
Call duck eggs don't do well upright, Dan... other duck eggs are fine, but if you can hand turn several times a day I've seen slightly better hatches with them laying on their sides...


Calls in upright turners are what I don't recommend...

What kind of duck eggs?
Ancona, Ancona,Campbell mix, maybe some magpie, we will see if they decide to get going...
I like this part of the year... Hatching ducklings...(Which I will be doing twice this year, hatching on April 4, and, May 15. Is it good to hatch in the summer though? Will people buy them?
Oh yeah, I might be hatching some of our quail eggs too.
I want to join in, I am new but sounds like fun what date do you need a egg count? Do you want candle updates on live or not? Can't wait to participate. Thanks

We will be recording egg counts as everyone sets eggs - March 25th. Some will be a bit later depending on what they are hatching. Candle updates are totally up to you! Some enjoy sharing it, others don't. Welcome!

And welcome to everyone joining in the fun!

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