The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Just found out this is going on. Still not totally sure what the hatch-a-long is
, but I set 13 barnyard mix chicken eggs on the 20th of March at 9pm CST.

(Day 7 candle last night and I pulled a blood ring so I have 12 set I update things like that? I'm off to read more about what a hatch-a-long is so I don't repeat a bunch of questions...)

If it's too late to "join," that's ok
I have tried so much trying to candle brown eggs when I candles the EE eggs I was suprised as to just how much difference there was in what you could see I saw veins forming first time and not just dark areas in the eggs I'm wondering how it is with a natural white egg now? I know the darker the worse it is I have one hen laying very dark brown eggs. I feel for the ones hatching the CMs that egg would be almost impossible to candle. I did look into an egg today while gathering them up I could see better using the sun to candle than a light
Major question. If an egg had a saddle shaped air cell can it still hatch okay I have multiple like that becase they were shipped and I cabdeled and they are looking really good. But will they be able to make it or need assistance to hatch they are cemani hate to lose any of them.

I've dealt with so many saddle air sacs. I have found, that if the egg is a Large Fowl size, which yours would be, I have better luck with them hatching. Silkies on the other hand almost always need assistance.
When I don't see a pip mid day 20 in any of them..I am candling by mid day to see how they are doing. Still alive? No internal pips...I go in. Good luck. Those are expensive eggs.
101.5 TOP of egg, humidity same as whatever works in your other one. I run 30%.
Tell me it ain't so... You really got one of them??

Good luck. You'll need it.

OK well, I've had the temperature going up and down, but it has been at 100.3 for a while now, so I'm just gonna let it be and stop messing with it. Humidity is way too high at 50%.....working on that.

Yes...:oops: I got one. It had the turner and everything for $24 from a dear friend, and we traded put for eggs. I'm already considering replacing it, and I haven't even had a hatch! I don't think this bator is here to stay....I'm watching another IncuView on eBay I will get if the price does not get too high...

I set eggs yesterday, 8 Buff Orpington, 4 White Leghorn x Buff Orpington, and all the rest mixed breeds. Total of 63 eggs!
My Chinese varies between 37 and 38 is set at 37.5 so not to bad on temp I raised my humidity up because last time looked like the air sacs were too big so I stet it up between 30 and 40% it will vary about 4% but on day 4 now yesterday I candles before I started the turners all is looking good so far crossing my fingers and counting down to next candling day
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ok... Everything I set on wednesday night, is developing! I can't tell on my friday eggs, they are not far enough along. But I am so happy I have these eggs developing!

My eggs consistently hatch about 2-3 days late, so they still should hatch around easter...
So, as I have said (and will say again, I bet) I am a super newbie at hatching. This is my 2nd attempt and my first only yielded 1/3. I have a Brinsea Mini Advance. APPARENTLY I CAN'T READ and the cooling option is supposed to be turned on at Day 7. I'm on Day 6 and the cooling option has been on since Day 1. It was for the 1st hatch too. Is this likely a reason why I had an early quitter and fail to pip last time?

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