The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Lots of eggs in the incubator! Looking forward to the tiny WeeWeeWee gosling sounds, and adorable babies! So far, every egg set is veining

Added 4 more tonight in the sportsman along with 37 chicken, 2 guinea, several turkey eggs and a few mixed color scovies!
I know this is for geese,but yesterday,one of my hens was laying down and wouldn't move. I picked her up and noticed she was limping. Nothing seemed wrong with her foot. I felt her leg and I thought it was more of the muscle and joint area. I stretched her leg some and she was fine. But she's still limping and laying down. If she wants something,she gets up. I gave her some food and water in the shade. She poops normally,she's alert,breathing right,no blood. Any advice,something I can do?
I know this is for geese,but yesterday,one of my hens was laying down and wouldn't move. I picked her up and noticed she was limping. Nothing seemed wrong with her foot. I felt her leg and I thought it was more of the muscle and joint area. I stretched her leg some and she was fine. But she's still limping and laying down. If she wants something,she gets up. I gave her some food and water in the shade. She poops normally,she's alert,breathing right,no blood. Any advice,something I can do?
Oh I am so sorry! She has pulled or strained a muscle possibly. Do you have roosters, if so, check her back and sides for any spurring. If you have a place to confine her, like a dog crate, it will help her to heal if not moving around much. Even better if its in or near the coop so she can still socialize with the flock.
Hello, I have a Super African goose starting to lay eggs in her nest and I am wondering how many eggs she will lay before she start the incubation period
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Does anyone know the goose sound meanings? Such as a loud,higher pitched honk from a gander and a low,quieter quack sound from the goose?

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