The African and Chinese goose thread!!

I have great news! And mediocre news, but the great news first! My geese mated for the first time!
Now I just need some more eggs, and then..... GOSLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for good/mediocre: I soaked James my gander in the epsom salt today, he really wasn't very happy about it, but I got him to soak for about 12 minutes. Is that long enough? Then I used a
q-tip to put the clear iodine on, and placed him on fresh bedding. I do have a question though, how much epsom salt do you use per gallon of water?
How old is to old before geese are infertile my geese are coming up on 5 years old and I seen them mating but Im doubting my eggs are even fertile. Last year they were.
Oh you have a long time with them! Geese live 15, 20 years. You will see several years of broods yet, at least in the breeds I keep. (Chinese, Embden, American)
First,the air cell is growing way too fast in the goose egg I have in the bator now.and also my neighbor brought me three goose eggs today.can I put them with the one already in there.??

Date the eggs so you know which are which. Too large an air cell means increase humidity.
For those who have more than goose breed I have a question about what is said that Chinese geese are noisy. What is meant by "noisy", more talkative and/or louder than other geese breeds? Or is it myth?
My American Buff are the loudest geese I own, very shrill, ear piercing call from the gander, Embden are as bad lol. My chinese talk to me a lot, but noise levels IMHO are the quietest breed I own.

I have great news! And mediocre news, but the great news first! My geese mated for the first time!
Now I just need some more eggs, and then..... GOSLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for good/mediocre: I soaked James my gander in the epsom salt today, he really wasn't very happy about it, but I got him to soak for about 12 minutes. Is that long enough? Then I used a
q-tip to put the clear iodine on, and placed him on fresh bedding. I do have a question though, how much epsom salt do you use per gallon of water?
I read the label direction, seems like 2 TBSP per gallon. Haven't had to use it in a very long time. Congrats on the active breeding!!
Its very embarrassing for anyone to visit right now, there is so much breeding going on with the waterfowl its making my DH blush
! Am warning folks that visit to wear blinders, oh my goodness. I have around 40 ducks and 15 geese!
My American Buff are the loudest geese I own, very shrill, ear piercing call from the gander, Embden are as bad lol. My chinese talk to me a lot, but noise levels IMHO are the quietest breed I own.

I read the label direction, seems like 2 TBSP per gallon. Haven't had to use it in a very long time. Congrats on the active breeding!!
Okay, thanks!

Its very embarrassing for anyone to visit right now, there is so much breeding going on with the waterfowl its making my DH blush
! Am warning folks that visit to wear blinders, oh my goodness. I have around 40 ducks and 15 geese!
Haha, yeah it can be awkward.
My American Buff are the loudest geese I own, very shrill, ear piercing call from the gander, Embden are as bad lol. My chinese talk to me a lot, but noise levels IMHO are the quietest breed I own.

I read the label direction, seems like 2 TBSP per gallon. Haven't had to use it in a very long time. Congrats on the active breeding!!
I actually make my Epsom salt and warm water pretty strong. quarter cup to 1 gal of warm water. I want to get it taken care of fast I guess.

Oh my gosh your right I only have female in the American Buff but she can break glass I am thinking. Can't imagine what a American gander would sound like and my Toulouse gander comes in first with my Embden gander a close second. So thankful we don't have close neighbors.
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I cannot imagine Chinese being any louder than my Embden and Toulouse ganders but maybe they are. I have heard Chinese called the watch dogs of the goose breed.
Could be that the different breeds are relatively equally "noisy". Poultry books have to write something about different breeds, and some of it is very inaccurate.
Could be that the different breeds are relatively equally "noisy". Poultry books have to write something about different breeds, and some of it is very inaccurate.
I think you are right. My Toulouse female Missy actually has the type of voice most say female geese should have low pitched but the rest sure make up for it. And even she can get loud[ if she gets separated from the rest] it's just at such a lower pitch it doesn't carry as much.
My American Buff are the loudest geese I own, very shrill, ear piercing call from the gander, Embden are as bad lol. My chinese talk to me a lot, but noise levels IMHO are the quietest breed I own.

I read the label direction, seems like 2 TBSP per gallon. Haven't had to use it in a very long time. Congrats on the active breeding!!
Thanks. Deciding on a breed, and asking those who own them is better than going by published material.

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