The African and Chinese goose thread!!

I think you are right. My Toulouse female Missy actually has the type of voice most say female geese should have low pitched but the rest sure make up for it. And even she can get loud[ if she gets separated from the rest] it's just at such a lower pitch it doesn't carry as much.
Thanks for replying. What the published material may be talking about is honking.
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Yes they call it honking but I call it screaming. Missy my Toulouse does sound more like a low pitched honk.

Have you seen this?
That's a good compilation of information for comparison. I've researched most breeds on The Livestock Conservacy. The choice is between Chinese or Cotton Patch. It may be which breed I can get a hold of the hatching eggs. A breeder for Cotton Patch has my name on a list, if there's any extra.
That's a good compilation of information for comparison. I've researched most breeds on The Livestock Conservacy. The choice is between Chinese or Cotton Patch. It may be which breed I can get a hold of the hatching eggs. A breeder for Cotton Patch has my name on a list, if there's any extra.
Cotton Patch now that would be a nice breed. Chinese would probably be pretty easy to get hold of. We don't see many Cotton patch members here. Both are lovely breeds.
Cotton Patch now that would be a nice breed. Chinese would probably be pretty easy to get hold of. We don't see many Cotton patch members here. Both are lovely breeds.
I'll post if I get the Cotton Patch. I love their streamline body type. I like the egg laying ability of the Chinese and the black bill.
I actually make my Epsom salt and warm water pretty strong. quarter cup to 1 gal of warm water. I want to get it taken care of fast I guess.

Oh my gosh your right I only have female in the American Buff but she can break glass I am thinking. Can't imagine what a American gander would sound like and my Toulouse gander comes in first with my Embden gander a close second. So thankful we don't have close neighbors.
Okay. It's so cheap I might as well I guess!

Thanks. Deciding on a breed, and asking those who own them is better than going by published material.
Just for my input, my african-chinese gander is very loud, and my goose is very quiet, even around strangers she just does a low quiet honk.
For those who have more than goose breed I have a question about what is said that Chinese geese are noisy.  What is meant by "noisy", more talkative and/or louder than other geese breeds?  Or is it myth?  

I've had about 7 goose breeds and my Africans were always the loudest followed by my Embdens.
My chinese were the loudest if they were the dominant of all my geese and they were loud! Once they weren't dominant anymore (gander fights) they were back down to being quite again.
So it has a lot to do whose boss ;)
If you are only going to have Chinese they most likely will be loud

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