the amazing multiple moulting hen


11 Years
May 23, 2008
i suspect from my reading that this is within the range of normal, so i'm not looking for reassurance here. mostly, i'm just venting.

my buff orp hen, felicity, who came wandering out of our woods one day last may and promptly went into a heavy moult, has been laying well all summer. we noticed a few days ago that it had been a while since we saw an egg and i wondered if she was quitting because of the decrease in light and temperature. lo and behold, on saturday, her cage and run started filling up with feathers. moulting AGAIN. no wonder no one wanted her the first time.
The same thing is happening with my 5 year old Leghorn hen, Obelisk...she started moulting in July like always, but it seems like she's doing it again...she's started losing her flights all over again...
Yep, same here with a light molt in July and a really hard molt going on now. Poor girls look so tuff and bald....
. Good thing they are getting er done before our cold weather sets in. I've seen that happen and you gotta keep the girls warm or they will get chilled.

You may as well call my moulting Blue Ameraucana a streaker. She is just horrible looking, I swear she feels as embarassed as well as exhausted as she looks. I saw a link on here for a moulting contest, do you know where I should be looking? I want to keep up with other birds to see how bald they get! ha ha.
I think all of mine are moulting. Don't know if any have done it more than once. Sure seems like its been going on forever though. Wish I'd get some eggs!
My birds have never ever moulted & I've had them for more than 10 years. Is this maybe because they were in South Africa or that they were silkies & silkie X's? If they ever did moult, it was never enough that it was noticeable even on close inspection. I keep hearing about everyone's terrible moults so I'm puzzled
Thanks for the situaiton that isn't my own!

While I've been a fancier for years and years.....It is a pleasent suprise for folks having the same fun, I've been having for years and years! Enjoy and keep the backyard flocks growing in size....

I have a 13 wk old Ameraucana pullet that is loosing her feathers. I thought they have to be a year old. Has anyone else's chickens molted early?

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