The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan


I had blacks of very good quality and a pair I lavenders. I got hatching egg in lavenders and have put together breeding pens of the best birds I have so this year I hope to put out better birds than what I started with. I lurked on the Ameraucana forum and became friends with jerryse, I read and wrote down many genetic charts and listened to what the ABC breeders had to say. I hatched some chicks and selected only the best to breed from. You don't end up without breed able birds if you select carefully. You just have to have a goal in mind and it takes years to get where you want. But picking the beast stock from reputable breeders has paid off for me. I don't sell anything locally and cull many. But I don't let birds get out so others can't create and sell chickens that will mettle the genetic pool. Often I keep the less desirable in a layer flock or give to family members for theirs who have no intention of breeding.

I have been lurking on that thread as well. What traits are lacking in lavenders? At what age do you cull your birds? Would it be rude to ask how you do it? I honestly want to know. You can PM me your reply if that would work better.
Projects are great planning to start setting eggs from the two I have been waiting for pullets to start laying and now they are in full force. I need to fire up the bators and I am working on getting electricity and insulating so it can be my brooder and incubating area. I hope to see size improvements in the cuckoos and the other project I just want to produce more and get them up to size as well as get the eggs up to size. How are yours coming
Had my first 3 hatch in the barred/cuckoo project.More in the bator.Roll the dice and see what I get.My barred cockerel still has slate legs at 7 months.
I am still trying to figure out what I have! lol I have a beautiful bird that meets the apa standard for ameraucanas to the T, but lays a brown egg?? Then I have three new chicks, that I know two are EEs, but the other is rumpless?? Is it a araucana??
I am still trying to figure out what I have! lol I have a beautiful bird that meets the apa standard for ameraucanas to the T, but lays a brown egg?? Then I have three new chicks, that I know two are EEs, but the other is rumpless?? Is it a araucana??
I think the ABC (Ameraucana Breeders Club) would refer to your APA Standard Ameraucana that lays a brown egg an Easter Egger. If you want to be or are a member of this club you would have to refer to your bird as an Easter Egger. There is a lot of controversy over this issue right now. Many people (myself included) would refer to your bird as probably a non-standard Ameraucana or even an Ameraucana project bird. I think a lot depends on the parentage of the bird. If your bird has two purebred parents of the same color I would call it a non-standard Ameraucana. If the parents aren't purebred, or of the same breed, or are two different colors of the same breed it may be classified as the catch-all term Easter Egger. Or the person who bred your birds might just have substandard stock and isn't making very good breeding choices. I hope some of that makes a little bit of sense? It seems to be a very confusing and controversial topic right now.

I am not very familiar with Araucanas, but I will take a stab at your question anyway. The fact that it is rumpless does make me think there is Araucana in there somewhere. Obviously they are way to young to determine the color of it's eggs. Since the term EE is such a broad category that includes birds of all colors that have a muff and beard (cross-breeds included) regardless of parentage, it may be quite difficult to determine what the third chick is. Did you buy it with the other two EE's, or is it supposed to be a purebred bird? Maybe you could post some pictures of your birds? I think a visual representation is always easier to critique and classify.
Thank you -=) Yes I think the breeder was not making the best breeding choices, we got five "ameraucanas" from him, and this one is the only one left! And then she has to lay brown eggs
The breeder said he bred his ameraucanas for the color of the bird and egg, and didn't care for the standard. All the chicks of this strain we got from him were weak, and this was just the survivor. As for the mystery chick, lets see if I can find a picture...
I don't have a picture of it, but it has green legs, no beard, and white feathers, and, of course, no tail. Yes I bought it with the other two. They were all called araucanas, but one is a chickmunk, the other isn't any specific color, and also doesnt have a beard, I'll see if I can get a picture.
Thank you -=) Yes I think the breeder was not making the best breeding choices, we got five "ameraucanas" from him, and this one is the only one left! And then she has to lay brown eggs
The breeder said he bred his ameraucanas for the color of the bird and egg, and didn't care for the standard. All the chicks of this strain we got from him were weak, and this was just the survivor. As for the mystery chick, lets see if I can find a picture...
I know there are wonderful breeders of Ameraucanas out there. But for some reason there are also a lot of people who breed substandard Ameraucanas. I think like any other breed Ameraucanas need a standard. I believe and support the standard for the breed. The only part I have a problem with is it's classification system of birds that do not conform to said standard. At least the breeder of your birds was up front in saying that he didn't care for it. I think unfortunately most of us learn best from our mistakes (I know I do, and have made many over the years!) From what I have learned this is a fairly young breed and the classification system for it is definitely confusing.
Good Morning, Outrun Acres,

I am very happy that you have started a positive, welcoming thread where your members can share their experiences, talk about their adored and loved birds without fear and hindrances. I am simply delighted to be a member of your wonderful thread. With a person such as yourself, I am sure it will be a successful thread where everyone will feel joy of being part of it.

Thank you!
Yes, he was very honest, we just expected blue eggs ( we saw his nests, and they were ALL blue) We still love our bird, she has been a great addition to our flock.
How frustrating! I only have EE's right now and am hoping for some blue eggs this summer. I also have two purebred ameraucana crosses that I have my fingers crossed for as well. They are great birds aren't they. Do you know how old yours was when it started laying?

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