The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

Hi I am trying to find out if the Amerucanas pullets I bought from a local feed store are true or EEs and hoping someone can tell. I'm think/hoping they are and I'm guess blue wheatens, if they are. If not its all good, just very curious. I know I might have to wait until they feather out more, but just maybe someone can tell. :) Here they are about a week ago.
Hi I am trying to find out if the Amerucanas pullets I bought from a local feed store are true or EEs and hoping someone can tell. I'm think/hoping they are and I'm guess blue wheatens, if they are. If not its all good, just very curious. I know I might have to wait until they feather out more, but just maybe someone can tell.
Here they are about a week ago.

I don't see any pictures, but if you bought them from a feed store the chances of them being true Ameraucanas are one in 10000. The ones they call Americaunas that come from hatcheires are a mixed breed using the ancestors of the Ameraucanas and mixing colors and types and throwing in a bit of this and a bit of that. What you have are almost positively EEs. I have a lot of EEs and I love the ones with the blue feathers - I got about 4 this time. They are bred for heartiness and egg laying, and if that's what you want then you will love what you got. Unfortunately some of the hatcheries have lost the blue egg - so its a gamble on that.
Sorry I couldn't get the pics to post and that is what I figured, but my only hope was that this feed store gets their chicks from local breeders so there was a slight chance ;)
Let me see if I can get them to post now...



That was the one and below is the other one that I don't really think is true but an EE.


Sorry I couldn't get the pics to post and that is what I figured, but my only hope was that this feed store gets their chicks from local breeders so there was a slight chance

Let me see if I can get them to post now...

That was the one and below is the other one that I don't really think is true but an EE.

Those are very pretty EEs. I know this because they have green legs and irregular markings (not standard for any Ameraucana color).

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