The beauty of a Game Camera! Heres My Latest Predator.

Before I got my chickens, which was two weeks ago, I have a neighbor that truly believed that her five acres wasn't big enough for her four dogs. Five years, went by with her dogs loose, chasing my horses and among other heart breaking thing her dog did to my dog.I GOT HER!!!!! she caught me taking pictures of her dogs every morning AND I AM PROUD THAT IT WORKED, SHE SHUTS HER GATE!!!! IT TOOK FIVE YEARS, TO GET HER TO DO THIS. She saw me with my camera snapping a photo of her dogs outside her fence lol I guess she did not want to pay the huge fines that the county was going give her, I didn't turn the pics into the county yet, and I wont because she does close her gate.Sometimes her dogs get out with the gate closed, but that's ok aleast she is trying that's all that counts. :)

Good for you. Too bad it took so long! I can't understand how some think its okay to let their animals trespass and harm other people's animals. Even if the dog doesn't actually mail a chicken, it can definitely stress them out. Who wants to let their chicken free range if there is a chance the neighbors dog is going to get them?
So, rather than shoot first and ask questions later, how hard is it to figure out if the dog is "chicken friendly"? I've got a "free range" dog that gets along just fine with chickens. She keeps predators away and my neighbors have said they've had flowering plants fully bloom for the first time in years since the dog has been around. She apparently keeps the deer from eating the flowering bushes and from invading the garden by chasing them away. (I've seen her leaping like a gazelle through tall grass in hot pursuit and humorously falling further behind with each leap.)

The same neighbors dog however it a different matter. If it got loose among the chickens, they'd be all dead in a matter of seconds.

They are two totally different breeds and personalities of dogs.

A chicken friendly dog is part of a good defensive system. Be shame to shoot it if there's a chance it's actually assisting.

----- Ed

The problem is by the time you "figure out" if a dog is chicken friendly or not, you can have a dead chicken/duck on your hands. Even if a dog is chicken friendly at home, on someone else's property, with different chickens and surroundings, a dog could react differently. And once a dog finds something intriguing/exciting in someone else's yard, you can bank on it being back. The dogin the OP's picture might be "just standing there" looking at the chickens, but guarantee that wasn't his first visit and won't be his last...unless the OP gets a hold of him. Very sad the dog's owners probably wouldn't keep that dog locked up if they were confronted and continues to risk it's safety and the safety of others on the block. Of course, the dog will pay the biggest price.

Ed, glad to hear your dog does well and no one minds her roaming the neighborhood. But a dog's place is on it's owner's property unless invited. Anywhere else and it's fair game for either cars or other landowners protecting their livestock, other pets and even children.
Ive shot two dogs in the past month. Lost three birds in the past month cause of someones stupid mutt. And all the dogs do is kill them and leave them suffering..... Dont even eat them! Just kill for no good reason! In my opinion if an animal that is not supposed to be on your property shouldnt be there! A dog is pretty much the same thing as a coyote or fox... If i looked out my window and just saw a fox LOOKING at my chickens i would care less about it... ID SHOOT IT! Six baby ducks lost their mama, A mallard lost its sister, and a khaki lost its mate cause of someones dumb mutt! I think capthollis has the right to shoot it! we live in texas and were aloud to!
After reading all these post thats all i could think about saying lol! Well, think ive made my point XD
I have placed motion detecters around the perimeter of my coop and run and also have security cameras around the property because I have a business also so I capture the predators coming and going and when they set off the alarms they are welcomed by Mr. Mossburg with a load of 12ga. 3" hex steel bb shot.
Quote: It only takes a second to tell if it's attacking or not.

How can you tell from a single picture that the dog had been there before, and would certainly be back?
I think you're making a lot of assumptions
Hey all, Yeah well, I read all this subject post and I have to say.............."Shoot the dog" .

As livestock owners we all have a responsibility to make sure our animals/birds are safe. As long as your property is well fenced I think you have every right to kill any predator inside your boundary.
My animals in my yard are my pets, anybody else's animal in my yard is a predator and will be dealt with.
My acres are very well fenced, I have an auto electric gate that is always closed. I have a livetrap permanently loaded in the front yard and a livetrap built into my chicken coup. I also have an 8 camera cctv covering the property.

I don't care much for people who say......"oh you cant do this and you cant do that because the rules say you cant", Well, I am king of my domain and I make the rules.

Cheers...........The Dog

So, Where did you get the camera from?

I don't know if your talking to me bird sitter, but if you are I just have a small hand held snap shot.I take it with me when I walk my dog down my driveway LOL WITH A LEASH!!!!! LOL
Yesterday, had a arguement with that lady, rocks was found in my pasture close to her driveway, her son again throwing rocks at my horses, Florida sugar sand lol no rocks, but I found eight of them. So she is threaten to call animals control for my horse that is under weight, which I have up his feed big time, it don't help that her dogs chase them!!!!!! And she is going to call about the amount of parrots that I have in my house, ALL PETS, I BREED FOR A HOBBIE NOT FOR MONEY AND PER YEAR MAYBE GET FIVE BABY BIRDS (COCKATEILS)
as for my horse I am going to get his teeth floated very soon!!!
so much for being nice to her.
very depressed today!!!!!!!!!! :(
im sorry to hear that

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