The best part of having chickens

The part i love most about keeping chickens is their personality. Some of them are funny while some are serious(i think) some are just plain grumpy and some come running when they see me.
Thank you! My Brahmas are loved the most, because of their gentle disposition and they are so big and fluffy. My DH enjoys picking them up and talking to them. The best therapy for a tech-weenny.
I also love chit chatting with my chickens. My one Easter egger is quite the talker and anytime I'm out I always converse with her. She makes me smile. Since we have moved, I can't wait to get them a better home. Right now they're living in the shed, but they love the new home and larger land.
I love my new rooster. He is a stunning Light Sussex. He wakes me up from five thirty with his "singing" at half hourly intervals until daybreak, and he is proving to be the perfect gentleman, always letting the girls out first to eat and doing a check in before he settles for the night.

If I were a hen, is marry him!
I love my roosters. I love the way my alpha, Dobby walks at my side while I do my chicken chores, inspecting my work and burbling sweetly at me. He is a brave protecter and a gentleman to his ladies. He loves them all, though he does have his favorites. (Dora, Paprika and Henny Boo Boo)



I love my big, gentle boy, Morpheus. He is the second in command and perfect for the role. He's watchful and sweet and a big happy puppy of a rooster. His favorite girls are Ruby and Rosie.



Last, but certainly not least is Lumpy rooster. He is our baby. A lone hatch who was spoiled and pampered by the whole family. He is a brat. The son of Dobby and Dora he ran us, and the hens ragged when he entered puberty. We thought he might have to be sent off to freezer camp like Morphy's twin, Mojo(who was aggressive towards us and cruel to the hens)...but he has calmed down and settled into his role as third. His favorite girls are Mavis, Hedwig and Little Bit.


My favorite thing about having chickens is the friendship. I'm sure that sounds strange, but we live pretty far out and I have yet to make friends with anyone in my age group. We got our first chickens almost two years ago now and they're like my little feather buddies. They run when they hear me open the door, they follow me around when I get the mail, or cut the grass, or even when I try to run to my vehicle without being spotted ;) . I love watching them and listening to them.

My favorite moment is at sunset. I'll have the dogs at my side, everything is so calm and peaceful, and the chickens kind of gather around to slowly go into the coop. It's hard to explain, but it's just the perfect ending to any day.

I love your description. Friendship with chickens may sound strange to those who don't have chickens, but I sure understand!

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