The best part of having chickens

I also like alot of them like to be held. Not to be weird but it's kinda cool.I have 2 silkies in particular that like when i hold them.I has 1 roo about a month a go that liked that too. But before this winter really set it,i came outside an the dumb hawk was on top of it eating him. I ran after the hawk it was not scared. If I would have gotten a hold of it it would have ceased to exist.
@ silkielover64

I am so sorry for your losses! Raccoons are the reason why we are down to only 2 chickens. The raccoon strikes during the day and avoids the trap that animal control set up. Still working on a solution too.
This has to be the best thing:

Ok time for me to stop lurking. I've been lurking all around this great site since late November when I started my first flock. I am having a ball with my chickens and the biggest thing they have changed for me is now I get up at the crack of dawn to open the cook so my girls can get out in the run and to give them fresh water. I keep their hanging feeder and also a PVC feeder stocked at all times. I used to lay in bed till my dog woke me up which was shortly after daylight. Now I have to get up and take her out before its good and light so I can get to the coop and check on the girls. Now one of my biggest problems is trying to find a way to drag myself away from this site.
If your figure out how to drag yourself away from BYC, let us know.
My oldest has begged for chickens since he was 2...but my memories of being pecked by old hens in a 100+ degree coop as a child tasked with gathering eggs whenever I visited my aunt (not to mention the gander who terrorized me there) made me hesitant. That's an understatement--I was terrified of those birds. I finally caved last year and we picked up silkie chicks from a feed store--my son had been reading about chicken breeds on the internet and that was what he wanted.

I didn't realize how much fun they would be! They are soft, little fluff balls who wouldn't dream of pecking anyone--not even my youngest whom I've caught zooming around the backyard with one like it was a toy fighter plane. They come when we call and follow us around the backyard talking softly to tell us all the latest news. And the eggs! My boys get so excited about finding an egg (which happens daily) that it works as an incentive for them to get out of bed in the mornings which is a huge improvement over pre-chicken days.

But my favorite part is just watching my oldest with his "peeps". He's taught me the joy of having chickens:

And now I want more!
Chickens are so addictive. Who knew?
I read in a blog someplace, We have all seen birds, but we rarely get close...

I feel like like I am in the presence of a wild creature, that I can miraculously touch and hold. I love those soft feathers and how they softly talk all the time. They don't talk while I am talking, then they respond as appropriate.

I love that they walk themselves into bed every night.

Watching them and working with them is so peaceful, it really quiets the mind.

They think I am great, like REALLY great. No strong opinions, very non judgemental. They are happy to see me. They are super busy and interesting, they surprise me daily.

They are not as annoying as the dog.

C'mon spring!

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