~The Broody Thread~


I have a repeat broody girl, a Black Australorp. She just can't get over it.

Now, we're in the heat of summer, so letting her sit the nest with 99 degrees and her raised body temperature (there are no fertile eggs) seemed dangerous to me, so I brought her inside. She's in a crate with all manner of comforts. I hope she'll get over it.

So my questions are, how long does this usually take? She's on day 3. Last evening when things cooled down, I took her out, but she immediately went to the nest. Also, her comb is pale. Is that because she is unhappy?

She's still yelling at me in the very distinctive broody call, so she's not over it yet. She's really mad at me!
I got my girl Mercedes to stop, and yes, she needs to sleep in there too. I got some really good information from the folks on here.
I have a dog kennel thatll fit in the coop. You think that will be sufficient? My coop is the only predator proof spot. I dont want to risk leaving my ladies outside! Heres what I got🙏 No wire bottom, but I moved all the hay so they csnt get too comfy.


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Well, I had Mercedes in the house. Alone. Does she have company in that picture? She can be near her flock, but alone in the cage. 24/7 for 3 days is what is recommended. It took Mercedes 3 days.
Yes she has company- another broody! They went broody 2 days ago at the same time. Theyre buds , they dont fight. I got hold of a closed in dog crate w a wire bottom and put them both in the coop w it raised on bricks. But during the day I lock them in the coop run w no coop access until the other hens are done laying, then I let them rejoin the flock free range w the coop locked up. I guess I need to keep them in jail during thw day too🥺😢
I got my girl Mercedes to stop, and yes, she needs to sleep in there too. I got some really good information from the folks on here.
"Mercedes" hahaha name of one my main characters in my 3rd novel coming in Sept. LOLOL.

Sorry - I have a few broody hens as well. The hens go into the coop to lay eggs over the period of half a day (we have 10 hens and 6 boxes, now 2 broody hens). Driving us crazy. We close it up at 1:30 when the rest are done and they march around the run/coop entrance blowing their trumpets waiting for the walls of Jericho to fall.

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