The Buckeye Thread

Well done, Joe! This is wonderful for the Buckeye breed. Keep up the great work
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Thanks guys; it was a good day for the buckeye; this was my first show this year and a good accomplishment to kick off my show season!!! 5 out of my last 6 shows that I participated in, a buckeye had been on Champion row ranging from 2700 birds to just under 500......the buckeye is a nice solid breed that show well. I'm really looking forward to the future shows!!!!!
The thing that I appreciated was the shear number of people that commented on the quality of the buckeyes present....more specifically the color, size and how they presented themselves......the breed is making a decent comeback with more being exhibited which is nice but several comments were made about the lack in color and quality of the buckeyes in other shows........I think it's good that people are noticing and so are the judges.
What is exciting is that this is just the beginning to a wonderful life with Nettie's fowl......I've only been breeding this family for a few years where others that show this breed has had then for 8-9 years and they have nothing to show for it other than a few cage cards proving they show they can peddle questionable quality as the "elite" show buckeyes.......there are several people that talk big but when it's time to put there words to the show pen; it isn't even close!!!!! But yet there are those that hang on their every word?!?!? It's pretty entertaining really.........but unfortunately when people question this interesting fact and hold such breeders accountable feelings are hurt and nasty exchanges take place..........all I ask is for people to actually practice what they preach and be honest not only with their customers but with themselves!! ...I do wish other "buckeyes" were there!!!! But unfortunately talk is cheap and wishes are unrealized thoughts..........proof is in the pudding and the cream rises. ;)
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Finally the grass is greening up and having some nice weather to enjoy the Buckeyes out in the evening. 2 year old male and some of the girls
Joe, both your daughter and your champion buckeye cock are beautiful. You and your family are doing great things for the buckeye breed. I love seeing a dark red buckeye on champion row. I bet that some of those white and orange bird breeders at these shows get a little annoyed when they see you and your buckeyes show up. Heck maybe we can get some of those same breeders to come to the dark side and try their hand at buckeyes.
Thanks Josh, I look forward to going down to KY this weekend! A great buckeye judge will be judging and he has judged my buckeyes before. We'll see what happens.
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That is a beautiful pic, Joe. That cock looks mighty pleased with himself and he should. He's doing the Buckeye breed a lot of good and giving the breed some much needed respect and attention. I hope you and him will inspire a few more breeders to give the Buckeyes a chance and that we'll get to see those beautiful dark red birds on Champion row more often and at more shows. Things are looking up for them from the sounds of things. Nettie would've been very happy to see this.

Good luck with the upcoming show this weekend!

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