The Calico/Aloha/Mottled Naked Neck Thread

1). Barred
2). Maybe a Pyle.
3). Maybe the start of a Golden Laced.
4). Black

It's really hard to give the proper names on the unusual colors, they most likely came from a mixed color flock of Naked Necks.

Just in case you're wondering all 4 are cockerels.

Price all depends on your geographical area and the breeds that are in demand or are wanted.

I sell mine for no less than $20 for a single hen. If they want a rooster ( I don't keep very many anyway) I will let a hen and rooster pair go for around $28. These are grown one that are laying age or at laying age.

None appear to be mottled or calico, but could carry it in their background.

This is very helpful! I only took pictures of the cockerels, as their colors are a little better defined.
Thanks to you, I'll sound a little more intelligent as I describe them now.

Thanks again,
Will be 13 weeks old on July 1, 2016.


Well the little Red Aloha hen obviously carries mottling gene and my Cinnamon NN rooster dies also. I knew there was the possibility of them both carrying it but wasn't sure until the last week when the spits started showing up on this little Pullet.

Here's daddy.

Here's mama:
13 weeks old today.

Daughter of the Mottled Parttidge NN hen and the Red Mottled NN rooster.
Another Mottled Partridge NN Pullet. Looks like she carries a double dose of the nn gene.

Just sold two full brothers today.

I now have two roosters and 4 hens/pullets from this mating, two hatches.

I now have the matriarch hen in a run with two of her daughters from her first hatching of chicks by another rooster they are the classic red type hens. Three of her daughters from the Red Mottled rooster. I put in her son from the the Red Mottled rooster.

Going for a hatch of inbreeding to see if I can bring out more mottling on the offspring for more Mottled Partridges. When I see what I get from this I'll determine where to go from there.

I don't care for the Spangled Aloha rooster with the Mottled Partridges so most likely won't repeat that mating. He does however do well with the red hens so they'll most likely go back to him. In the mean time I'm going to try him with the little Red Aloha hen.

Main thing with the Spangled Aloha rooster is I've not gotten very many pullets from him. I'm going to keep trying though.
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Thanks for the updates.

Looks like no mottles from this year's batch, however am going to do variable related pairings either later this fall or spring so if mottling is present it might show up then...
Here's a few pictures of the mottled from my last hatch. They are now 5 1/2 weeks old.


This pullet is from my Golden Partridge rooster out of the Red Aloha hen.





These four pictures above are from my Red Mottled rooster out of two Red NN hens that carry the mottling gene. Not sure but I know there's at least one pullet the other three are big maybes.


Here's one that had me thrown also. I think cockerel, but not positive. A regular "mottled". Not sure if it will stay mottled or not. My Mottled Partridge rooster is the sire. The possible mothers are full sisters. A black NN or a Blue NN.
I've got a couple of updates pictures today. Not the greatest though. It's been raining all night, last night and most if the morning. So instead of trying to catch them and get all muddy I tried snapping some shots of them and they are " camera shy".



Same cockerel. This is the one by the Aloha rooster and is out of one of the red NN hens that are out of my Mottked Partridge hen. I named him Calico NN #2.



This is Calico NN #2. By the Red Mottled rooster out of the Mottked Partridge hen.
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Got some better pictures today.

1st up is the Calico fro. The Red Mottkedc rooster out of the Mottled Partridge hen.



A shot from each side.

Next is the cockerel from the Aliha rooster out of obe of the Red NN hens ( not Aloha, but carry the Mottling gene).



Last but not least here is a picture if my first Soeckled pullet. Her daddy was my Cinnamon NN rooster and mama was the only hen I wound up with from the Aliha hatch and she was solid red with no mottling. Bo's I'm guessing that she had to carry the gene for mottling as well as the rooster must have carried it ( his grandpa was a mottke carrier).



If I decide to keep the Red Mottled Calico rooster above the non-Aliha one I will probably mate these two. I really like this pattern the best anyway.

I've got so many good prospects right now, I have to make some hard decisions pretty soon.

I'm not crazy about the giant comb on the lighter Calico rooster so I may sell him off.
Mall three are 17 weeks old.
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