The Calico/Aloha/Mottled Naked Neck Thread


Love that coloring/mottling.

My last hatch from my Aloha rooster did not produce any Mottled chicks.

I may have the Aloha rooster sold. I do however have a nice Calico cockerel ( color wise, needs improvement on the size side) from him that is in with some red hens that should carry the mottling gene so hoping for more Calico/Aloha chicks cone spring.

I'm in the process of getting back to only NN chickens. I have a few that aren't naked Necked that I'm usually g for size improvement.
If anyone is interested there have been some nice looking Alohas and Aloha/Cailico posted in the Naked Neck thread.
Today was picture day for the Green Egger Naked Necks I'll try to get to A day soon for an update on this thread.
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Wanted to share that I did hatch out a good batch of about a dozen Aloha Naked Necks, and going to give them to my friend Larissa. She is a wonderful chicken keeper but it took her this long to need new chicks - she was kind of a victim of "chicken math" and had too many for a very long time! I'm so excited that these will be going her way in the next week.


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