The Chick Pic Contest~

Here is one of mine, I'll post my second one tonight if I can remember!!!! I wish I had taken more they grow so fast!

I'm curious what breed are those?
The chick in the back with the puffy cheeks is a True Wheaten Ameraucana, she is very friendly and sweet. The one in the front is a Splash Isbar, not as friendly but I catch it sining sometimes or trilling very cool. I got both from a local breeder and am very happy with them.
Wow! Iv been trying to get some Wheaten Americana, but have no luck finding them. I'm also considering getting some blue isbars for next year when I restock my egg production flock, I hope their good layers, still have to do research on em.
Wow! Iv been trying to get some Wheaten Americana, but have no luck finding them. I'm also considering getting some blue isbars for next year when I restock my egg production flock, I hope their good layers, still have to do research on em.
I know! I wasnt really looking for more but when i found them i had to get them. Husband wanted polish so got polish at the same time. Unfortunately the polis seem to be sick I've been treating with Corid and I just have my fingers crossed that they all get better cuz I really want to keep my wheaten Ameraucana
Wow! Iv been trying to get some Wheaten Americana, but have no luck finding them. I'm also considering getting some blue isbars for next year when I restock my egg production flock, I hope their good layers, still have to do research on em.
I know! I wasnt really looking for more but when i found them i had to get them. Husband wanted polish so got polish at the same time. Unfortunately the polis seem to be sick I've been treating with Corid and I just have my fingers crossed that they all get better cuz I really want to keep my wheaten Ameraucana

Ohh yes! The polish ones are so cool, they look like they can start a band or something ;)
And I'm sorry about that, we recently got some Cochins from our feed store and they came down with a bad cold. We caught it early enough and got them treated and thankfully they pulled through, but then some of our other birds came down with it and we had to treat them, thankfully no one died. Iv also been looking for the splash Ameracauna, they are my favorite Ameracaunas.
the black one in the middle is Jordan

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