The "crazy easy" boiling method cracks my eggs!


14 Years
Mar 8, 2008
Southwest Missouri
I've been using the crazy easy method from the older thread for about four months now. Consistently, I lose about 25% of the eggs to cracking (sometimes full-on rupture with egg exploding out the end into the pot!).

I'm lowering them oh-so-carefully into the pot, using a skimmer. I'm talking probably a careful 15 seconds just to lower a single egg. And still, they crack in the middle of the cooking process.

Does anybody have any ideas??

It's still a definite improvement over my old method which resulted in a zero percent beautiful egg success rate, but it's frustrating.
It cracks a alot of my eggs too...
Not sure why..
Maybe cause i'm taking them out of the fridge and putting them in boiling water?
I do all mine in my electric steamer. Never thought to do that till my steamer came with one of the trays having egg indentions. I just set the timer to 12-15 minutes (depending on egg size) and can forget about them...sure beats watching water & keeping track of boiling time.
are you using room temperature eggs or refrigerated eggs? I'm guessing, like Redhen said, that refrigerated eggs would crack more easily because of the extreme temperature difference? I usually only crack 1 or 2 in a pot of 18 eggs when I use the crazy-easy method, using room temperature eggs.
One Acre Wonder Farm is correct, you must use room temp eggs or they will crack. I've been using this method since I read about it over a year ago and I very rarely get a cracked egg.
Usually, I don't boil more than a dozen at a time. They are put in a pan with cold water that covers them with lid on and heated on high until the water comes to a boil. Heat is cut off and let the eggs sit for 15-20 minutes. Drain water (keep that for house plants), add cold water and shake the pan to break the shells. More cool water and the shells come off easily. No green, rubbery yolks.

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