The dangers of chicken math!


7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
My name is Dan and I am an addict. It all started back in April when I purchased 15 laying chicks. Within two weeks I decided to try meat birds also. 20 Cornish Cross were purchased. Now I had 35 birds. The loss of 3 crosses to preditors and one of my layers to a neighbors dog and eventual the harvesting of my meat birds left me feeling a little lonely. Suddenly, 3 BBW and 2 BBB turkeys somehow found there way to my garage and then a week later, 5 Bourbon Reds. Forgot to mention I picked up 8 Pearl Guinea keets last week. Things seemed fine until my wife said "I really want some more chickens" and now I have ordered 25 more layers! Does this ever end?
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You just need to know what to do if you have too many. I had the same problem when I first got my 17 Buff Orpingtons, Love them they were in the basement way too long, about 15 weeks. Nicest birds I've ever had. Then I found out that Meyer hatchery was right around the corner from my house, I was all down hill from their, The same year I got the Orps (from another hatchery) I purchased 4 Faverolles, 3 Spitzenhaubens, Black Giant Jersery, OMGoodness. I then saw the colored eggs, I fell in love. I purchased Easter Eggers and Peneadesencas, and Blue Laced Wyandottes (just for giggles) I then found the hatching thread and Marans, bought eggs and never stopped. I'm on year three and finally learned what to do. I only have Easter Eggers, Lavender Ameraucana, Marans and D'Uccles and Olive Eggers, Olive Eggers I hatched from my group and some eggs I bought from a member here. The rest are from breeders on BYC. I do have a Barred Rock hen that is going to throw me some Barred Olive Eggers I hope
Now for what to do if you have too many. I live in an Amish community and they will buy my extra roosters and spent hens, we trade for produce. I also found an auction that sells poultry, I made a couple hundred dollars. I do however have two styrofoam incubators and a 75 year old cabinet incubator that hatches 200 eggs. I have only used it to hatch out for others to make a little cash.
Good Luck and have fun
ya my math sucks too I started with 15 mixed.. and 2 toulouse geese then a month later got 5 mallards and 1 rouen then a month after that for 26 americaunaus and 5 more ducks and I am already planning and preparing for 100 Gambel Quial and 100 Bobwhites in a coop with a nice run..

it dont stop because you always think wow this would be neat to try and cool.. then you just get crunched with the Bird Flu :p and then you wake up and say what the heck... wait didnt I want this breed too :p
I got the call from the post office right at 7:30am and we were there by 7:31. 26 new chicks are safely in their brooder. All have taken to the water and are finding food without assistance (let's hope this continues). 5 Buff O., 6 Barred Rocks, 5 Americanas, 5 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 5 RIRs. So far, I am very pleased with Meyer Hatchery.

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