*~the dark tunnel~*a mysterious role play!

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Free Ranging
8 Years
Jan 21, 2016
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Plot:there was a time 1,000 or more years ago,when this world was real,the dark tunnels.the sky is always black,and deep in the heart of the tunnels under ground,live the creatures of the night.and,sun elves and other sun creatures are coming to the dark tunnels,and the dark world,and trying to make the light come again.the dark creatures are fighting to keep the darkness,and they,as well are trying to make,light,dark.

And if humans come?well,not many,but if they do,most of the time,they will kill them,or,keep them prisoner.humans there,as I said,are very very rare.

Sun world:is always full of sunshine,and never dark.there mostly light unicorns,sun elves,and bright fariys.

Dark world:is always dark,and never bright.there are mostly dark unicorns,moon elves,and drows.

Dark world Species:

Dark Drows:elves that are shorter then moon,or sun elves,they mostly have blue,or white hair,and black,to purple skin.

Dark unicorns:horses with horns on there head.mostly black,blue,or purple,sometimes there fire red.

Moon elves:elves with blue,purple,or gray skin.mostly have blue,gray,black,or pure white hair.

Regular warrior elves:just elves,mostly like human colors of skin and hair.

Raven fairys:fariys with black or red hair,green or blood red eyes,and pure white wings,mostly very mean.

Note:all elves and drows are like warrior elves.

Sun world species:

Light drows:light dark drows,but mostly have white skin,blond,red,or white hair.

Light unicorns:like dark ones,but are mostly,white,golden,blond,or yellow.

Sun elves:elves with yellow,blond,or red hair,with yellowie blond skin.

Regular warrior elves:like above.

Hawk fariys:fariys with any color hair,but brown,gray,black,blue,or green.mostly very nice.

Sun world,or dark?:
Let me see if I've got this.
Name: Ruthella
Age: 12
Gender: Girl
History: Ruthella was actually a Hawk fairy, but was captured by a Raven fairy and taken to live in the Dark World. She became cruel, and took on the identity of a Raven Fairy.
Personality: Cruel, powerful, and ruthless!
Species: Raven Fairy
Description: Medium long black hair, (can she have purple eyes-please?) wears only black, and has striped purple and white wings.
Pet: None-Has a best friend, though, a Moon Elf
Mate: Doesn't even have a boyfriend.
Sun World or Dark world: Dark World
Username: SuperChickRuth? Is that right?
Other: She has a long, thin dagger with which she captures Sun Elves for her "older sister" -the Raven Fairy who captured her. She is almost a slave to her older sister, but obeys gleefully, for she hates light. In fact, if she stays in sunlight too long, her wings become pure white.
Let me see if I've got this.  
Name:  Ruthella 
Age:  12
Gender:  Girl 
History:  Ruthella was actually a Hawk fairy, but was captured by a Raven fairy and taken to live in the Dark World.  She became cruel, and took on the identity of a Raven Fairy.  
Personality:  Cruel, powerful, and ruthless!  
Species:  Raven Fairy 
Description:  Medium long black hair, (can she have purple eyes-please?)  wears only black, and has striped purple and white wings. 
Pet:  None-Has a best friend, though, a Moon Elf 
Mate:  Doesn't even have a boyfriend.

Sun World or Dark world:  Dark World
Username:  SuperChickRuth?  Is that right?  
Other: She has a long, thin dagger with which she captures Sun Elves for her "older sister" -the Raven Fairy who captured her.  She is almost a slave to her older sister, but obeys gleefully, for she hates light.  In fact, if she stays in sunlight too long, her wings  become pure white.  

(Wow!so cool!accepted!)
Name:princess Elana.
History:when she was younger she hated her younger sister,and she finely almost killed her,and her sister ran away to the sun world.elana didn't even feel pain that her sister is gone,she hates her.on one rainie night,she crept into her mom,and dads room,and killed them both,then laughed,and made herself cry,and ran out to all of the creatures and yelled,"my mom!my dad!there dead!"and all the creatures felt bad for her,and she didnt even feel bad herself,she hated everybody,and still does.she treats herself like she's the only one.
Species:regular warrior elves.
Pet?:a red squirrel named acorn.
Sun world or dark?:dark.

Name: morgana(more-gan-a).
History:she is elanas sister,so,pretty much the same.after all that,she fled to the sun world,and lived there,she loves every thing,and everyone.
Personality:kind,sweet,caring,and helpful.
Species:regular warrior elves.

Pet?:yes,she has a heghog named lulu,a blue butterfly named blue,and a monarch named serea.
Sun world or dark?:sun world.
Let me see if I've got this.  
Name:  Ruthella 
Age:  12
Gender:  Girl 
History:  Ruthella was actually a Hawk fairy, but was captured by a Raven fairy and taken to live in the Dark World.  She became cruel, and took on the identity of a Raven Fairy.  
Personality:  Cruel, powerful, and ruthless!  
Species:  Raven Fairy 
Description:  Medium long black hair, (can she have purple eyes-please?)  wears only black, and has striped purple and white wings. 
Pet:  None-Has a best friend, though, a Moon Elf 
Mate:  Doesn't even have a boyfriend.

Sun World or Dark world:  Dark World
Username:  SuperChickRuth?  Is that right?  
Other: She has a long, thin dagger with which she captures Sun Elves for her "older sister" -the Raven Fairy who captured her.  She is almost a slave to her older sister, but obeys gleefully, for she hates light.  In fact, if she stays in sunlight too long, her wings  become pure white.  
(Visit Haunted RPG please)
Name: Osmo
Age: 11
Gender: Boy
Description: Strong, muscular for his age, black haired and grey skinned.
History: Has always been a Raven Fairy's best friend/servant. (Ruthella)
Personality: Rather thick-headed, stubborn and selfisht, but quick to fight.
Species: Moon Elf
Pet: Has none
Mate: None.
Sun World or Dark: Dark
Username: SuperChickRuth
Other: Works for Ruthella's "adopted" older sister, a Raven Fairy blocking up tunnels, and digging new ones.
Last edited:
Name:  Osmo
Age:  11
Gender:  Boy
Description:  [COLOR=333333]Strong, muscular for his age, black haired and grey skinned.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
History:  Has always been a Raven Fairy's best friend/servant.  (Ruthella) 
Personality:  Rather thick-headed, stubborn and selfisht, but quick to fight.  
[COLOR=333333]Species:  Moon Elf [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333] [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Pet:  Has none[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Mate:  None.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Sun World or Dark:  Dark[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Username:  SuperChickRuth[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]


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