The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

You guys have killed me with this thread! I just read it from end to end. I have coffee all over my screen, up my nose, my coworkers think I have lost my mind, and my boss thinks I have incontinance. Bwahahaha
Yes! ......At last an admission of your potential guilt..... you have partaken in this thread! Bird is featured and has tried to bring justice to the horrendous events that have unfolded.... you have supplied him with alcohol ( maybe ) your tee shirt has shown an advertisement for alcohol... how do you plead?????

You state that having lost your mind you may now be incontinent.... which Continent ???????

Answers please!!!!
This Story has been edited by the Punny Society of Chickendom


PG-13: Pullet Gallina 13. That is the gang of thirteen hens that charmed and conned the Oceans 11 and 12 crews of their take from their heists. They are rumored to have been the financial backers of the Hicks County Yakuza syndicate.
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Sporting Dread Locks, Steele surveys another area of the crime.

With steady eye he inspects a clue

He's alarmed to learn there is another aspect to this complicated case

His CSI team has discovered bricks of heroin under a bundle of marijuana packed in a plastic case

The taste test confirms that it is indeed heroin

Angry and insulted that the case is not going any where, Dr. Stump growls and calls an old friend to help him

The Old Chick arrives in her custom aircraft carrier

She surveys the area from the Navigator's chair

With a single word, several aircraft are ready for an air strike

The electric chair is ready, she warns

But I also have other means to make the perp confess, she adds.

We are ready to take on anybody, adds Steele

Yes, we are, confirms The Old Chick

You better run, warns Dr. Stump. We are coming for you. Don't bother hiding.
And the rumors of Steel's plan for Tommy when he does get caught once again, travel - they travel far and wide!

Toria runs to Kassidy in haste "Kassidy, have you heard? Steel and OldChick, what they are going to do to Tommy when they catch him?... *whisper whisper whisper*

And the story gets bigger as each gossiping girl spreads the word
"OMGAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just heard... Ladies listen up!" *Whisper, whisper whisper"

It gets back to Tommy -the horrible rumors of Steel's plans when he does get caught. He is just mortified!

"I will NEVER be caugh!" Tommy shouts.... It has been reported that he does have the missing keys as well.

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