The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

One body identified and another recent murder may be connected to the Dave Leghorn case.

Investigators continue to search for clues in the mass chicken grave behind the barn, one hen has been identified and other identifies will be revealed pending notification of kin.

One of the bodies identified was 3 yr old Bessy Gleetbottom, found face down in a shallow grave. Sadly, her children were found gathered around her, with investigators stating they could have been there for days judging from the body's condition. Three of the children were found alive and were transported to the farm house to receive medical care.

Bessie's brother-in-law was questioned about the night she might have gone missing, but he stated he didn't see fact, he hasn't seen anything since he was a chick.

Police think another death may be related to this case, due to the signs of struggle noted at the scene of the death of Timmy "Two Toes" Jackson. Initially it was thought that Timmy had suffered a heart attack and the signs of struggle were related to the thrashing of his body during that episode, but investigators found evidence at the scene that may connect the death of Timmy to a similar clue found at the Dave Leghorn murder scene.

Truvy Tailfeather stands next to the scene of Dave Leghorn's murder, where the first clues were found. That both Dave Leghorn and Timmy Jackson were found in a dusting pool was the first indication that the Jackson case might have been more than a death by natural causes. Also, witnesses came forward claiming that Timmy Two Toes Jackson had been seen with Gladys on more than one occasion before his death. More details keep emerging about what could be the most notorious crime of the coop since a fisher cat ransacked the coop in 1998, killing 14 chickens in one night. ~United Press
Images from the security tape turned in for evidence from a building near the scene of the crime show the perpetrator may have an accomplice. Which could be why it seems he's in two places at one time....

Or have we captured the wrong guy? Scene from the arrest below....


What do you mean the police are here to interrogate me? Tell them I'm taking a bath!
In an attempt to identify the right suspect, a close friend of the suspect was interrogated but was found to be close mouthed about his friend.

Pete Butschniffer, a close friend of the suspected murderer, Tom Wyterock, stated: "What rooster? Don't know what you talkin' about."
Feathers found at the scene of the crime have been turned in and matched within the national feather database. Results lead us to a shady character known as Superroo, shown here in this series of photos of the possible suspect and an accessory or witness to the crime spree, and also photos of several possible victims.

Meanwhile, bodies are still turning up...


Betty Black, spokeshep for the Hicks Sheriff's office, states the previous post may be a false alarm. Upon further investigation, it appears the pictures above were taken at one of Tom and Gladys' wild parties and shows the two of them in their Halloween costumes. The other photos show unidentified chickens who appear to be either drunk on illegally fermented feed or under the influence of BluKote, a new substance that has hit the streets lately and is being huffed. Those addicted can usually be identified by the purple color of their beaks. Tom and Gladys have long been connected with a fermented feed ring in the area and these photos merely confirm it. ~United Press
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Eggcellent news! Captain Steele, of the Hicks County PD, has taken over the case.

Captain Steele has taken on the case.

He looks for clues

He listens carefully to a witness

His interrogations can get rather...heated

Here, he stares down a suspect during an interrogation.

He investigates the possibility of poisoning with one of the CSI techs

He looks closely at a foot imprint left at the scene

Two CSI tech have an intense discussion

It's only a matter of time, he promises, before I catch whomever did the foul deed.

You know who you are. Be warned. I'm coming for you.
Captain Steele's team has been joined by Antoine Dodson, shown here reaffirming Steele's message to the perpetrators of these crimes....though he seems to be a little confused as to the nature of the crimes currently being investigated, he nonetheless echoes Cpt. Steele's promise to find the evil doers in this ever growing crime wave.

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