The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Fear strikes the hearts of all those involved in the case: is the suspicious-looking Tom really the one behind the killings? Or is he just one of a deadly clutch of cunning brothers?
Yes! Seems to be a lot of roosters out there that resemble Tom.....

Tom Wyterock, looking a little worse for wear, is shown here in the general population of inmates at the Hick County Jail. His attorney, B.R. Buzzarde, is filing a motion to dismiss the case due to the general confusion shown by the investigators in this case as to who the real murderer is. She states the evidence they have on her client is circumstantial, at best, particularly in light of this newest slaying of Bea K.
Mrs Bagawk-bagawk submitted a forceful letter to the press in general today:

“I smell a rat....or is that just another of Tom's efforts to distract us from more important matters? This idiot and his countless twins murdered the innocent Miss Bea. K! And what do the CSI do about it? Nothing! Inspector Steele, you're not better! The funeral expenses are on you! Or I will moult on the spot! Steele could not resolve a missing feeder case, let alone a murder!”

Ironically enough, Mrs Bagawk-bagawk herself is currently in the employ of Inspector Steele, but we expect to shortly see her fired. It is unclear whether or not her statement on joining the murderer was genuine, but she is obviously in a fragile state and has been admitted to hospital. Her nurse disclosed that her crazed patient has not laid any eggs for a year and therefore was already on the edge of depression and insanity before the murder.
Tom has not disclosed any further hints about his involvement in the murders. His cellmates, however, are paranoid and fear-stricken after hearing rumours and are demanding that he be given a padded cell.
When news reporters interviewed Tom in his cell late last night, they claimed he smelt of whiskey, and had a 'drunken look about him', as said by one news reporter. This has led to even more suspicions, and the press would even suggest another friend involved in the murder, but not yet arrested, has been supplying him with alchohol. Whether or not this is true remains a mystery, but news reporters hope to get a chance to interview Tom again, as to inquire after his drunken state late last night.
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Frankie "BOSS" Silkpantees, a familiar face in the criminal element of Hick County, is shown here in the Hick County jail. He is one of the inmates being held in connection to the Dave Leghorn murder case and is suspected of being the real owner and operator of The Coop, an illegal scrambling and roostitution establishment down on Scratch Avenue, though the business is listed as being owned by a Ms. Lilly Gleetbottom. Ms. Gleetbottom is a sister to one of the victims found in the mass slaying behind The Barn, a local hang out known to support various criminal activities. Mr. Silkpantees could be the source of fermentation in the county jail and the resulting drunken state of our primary suspect, Tom Wyterock, in last nights interview with reporters.

Bull H. Ereford, proprietor of The Barn, a local night spot here in Hick County.

Dud Lipnicky, employee at The Barn and BluKote addict of many years, stepped forward to identify Bull H. Ereford as being an accomplice to the slaying of Timmy Two Toes Jackson.

The Barn, owned and operated by Bull H. Ereford, pictured above, has been the scene of many drug busts over the years, with several citations issued for serving layer ration to chicks and sweet feed to bottle lambs. Mr. Ereford is now being investigated about his involvement in the string of murders, fermented feed buckets and auto thefts in the region. ~United Press
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When the police later questioned Ms.Gleetbottom, in a state of apparent madness she confessed to have seen Frankie leave The Coop late at night carrying a small bag in his claws which she knew to contain drugs in the form of tiny yellow seeds. She denied having any involvement in the murders but police are still suspicious. They do, however, acknowledge that Ms.Gleetbottom seemed to be mad or frightened out of wits by the unfolding events and are doubtful whether they can even trust her as a reliable source.

The information is being seen as trustworthy at this point.

More bodies are surfacing! Its suspected that the murderer has an accomplice!! Miss Bitty Nosee Beak claims to have seen a rooster matching the murderer's description fleeing the scene,.....

But upon further interrogation, it is discovered to be a ruse.

In frustration, the Honorable Judge Horace D. Longwattle has put a stop to all the gossip and back biting in the DA's office.

Posted by Theoldchick

Rumors sure are heating up! Could this all be an elaborate conspiracy? The Farmer remains aloof, the hens....terrified.

Posted by Theoldchick
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When news reporters interviewed Tom in his cell late last night, they claimed he smelt of whiskey, and had a 'drunken look about him', as said by one news reporter.  This has led to even more suspicions, and the press would even suggest another friend involved in the murder, but not yet arrested, has been supplying him with alchohol. Whether or not this is true remains a mystery, but news reporters hope to get a chance to interview Tom again, as to inquire after his drunken state late last night.  

Tom was known for his drinking problem before he went to jail

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