The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions


New images of Kim Dae-chu, Supreme Supervisor of the Coop of North Korea, making an international statement have recently circulated around the web. It is currently unknown what material he may be covering, but it is widely speculated he is speaking of his involvement in the Dave Leghorn case. Stay tuned as we receive more information on this speech.

The circulated image of Kim making a statement. It is believed he may have links to the Dave Leghorn case due to various suspicious phone calls to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, including several more sets last night.
That's a funny image of Kim.

(P.S. Sorry about the loss of Rocco.)
The Assistant District Attorney, Mr. WhyNotMe was caught by the National Eggquirer in the act of interrogating a suspect in the murder case. When interviewed about the incident, Mr. WhyNotMe crowed, "We have ways of making a suspect squawk."

In the meantime, the National Livestock Guard is on patrol, checking backyards all over Hicks County. Here is Private Paris checking a fence line, making sure no shady characters can dig under. She is flanked by a flock of admiring pullets, all of whom say they want to join the National Livestock Guard when they grow up.

Hick town residents get pumped up for the town party, set to take place at the local town hall on Saturday. Here are a few birds at the Hot Wing, a local roost, working out their routines for the open auditions they will be giving the Fryday night before the party to determine what act will be performing at the party as the opening act for the Blues Brothers Take Two.


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A Smiley Cyrus tribute artist will be performing at the party as the second act to the Blues Brothers Take Two. Steve Ashburro, pictured here, cannot wait to see Smiley at the Chicks for Change concert so he can study her moves and more closely mimic her style.

Eunice H. Ereford states she is a Smiley Cyrus fan also and so keeps exposing her tongue to the world, but many believe she just uses this excuse so that she can lick her own snot and eat it.
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In preparation for the town party, a fundraiser breakfast was held at the VFW hall. Shockingly, when the pancakes were served, the attendees realized they were actually pressed chicken.

Panic ensued, the cooks were attacked. The furious mob dragged them outside and tarred and feathered them.


Officer Moses was spotted aiming her weapon at the above pictured chicken hawk. When another officer cautioned her about the possibility of hitting one of the allied crow troops, she smacked her lips and quipped: "I have a recipe for crow gizzards that will make yer tongue roll out and slap you awake!". The murder of crows have filed a grievance with the department over the implied threat and the language used when referring to fellow officers and will be consulting with the ACLU(American Crow Liberty Union)on the case. ~New Yolk Times

When Officer Moses was counseled by the Infernal Affairs department about her inappropriate behavior in the line of duty, she responded that her actions were entirely sanctioned and supported by the Homeland Security Act and she is confident this grievance will be soon be sent to the circular file, appropriately labeled "Chicken Ship".

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Hen's Herald


Shelley Dot, niece of Dominique Bagawk-bagawk who was injured under mysterious circumstances, has finally regained consciousness after nearly three days. Her nurses are happy to inform us that she suffered no brain injury and was able to reveal clues about her attacker. Shelley says: "Aunt Janice - I mean Dominique - gave me mealworms after supper and she said it was a treat for being a good [chick]. So I ate them and I [felt] sick after that. I heard her screaming for me but why was she [screaming] and then I passed out." Dr Hoppington is heavily involved in this case and has decided to take Shelley into her care at least temporarily. It is still unclear whether or not Bagawk-bagawk is behind her niece's attack but as Hoppington says, "The facts don't lie or I'll eat my whiskers!" Hoppington took the weekend off and relaxed at the Bouncing Botanical Gardens.

Meanwhile, the PBS is holding an elaborate dinner which has been sponsored by the Crispy Carton restaurant. They are looking to support murder and injury victims during these tough times. More details will be provided as soon as possible.

Caught red-winged! Anne Hatchaway, who is also attending the dinner, is caught with immature pinfeathers! Looks like even the greatest style icons have their moulting moments!

PBS members enjoying potato salad.

Yet another sighting of Mrs Bagawk-bagawk? Why has she not been arrested?

Dr Hoppington, dutiful as always, took on this aspect of the case and discovered that Bagawk had been hired as a waitress at the dinner. The cook, Nella Salmo, admitted to allowing Bagawk into the kitchen despite being warned by the CSI of the dangers. Later, Inspector Steele found in his dish what he believed were the remains of several Hamburg chicks. Later this assumption was disproved and after DNA tests Hoppington confirmed that the bodies were those of at least 6 Lavendar Orpington cockerels, one of which was a friend of Shelley Dot's named Eggbert.

Several individuals were very distressed at these findings and swore revenge on Bagawk should she be the criminal

Fluffy de Beliveau is Hoppington's newly appointed assistant and will henceforth accompany him to all major crime scenes.

Tom Goblet, old friend of Shelley's father, also wishes to contribute to updates, reports and donations regarding the murders.

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