Sponsored Post The days are getting shorter - learn about preventing a drop in egg production!


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
This article is brought to us by sponsor Yeti Solar and is a revised and expanded version of a post that has previously appeared in the Backyard Chickens Forum, and on the Yeti Solar blog (www.yetisolar.com/blogs/news).

Well, it's definitely that time of year. The days are getting noticeably shorter. In addition to making it harder for us humans to get up in the morning, this makes hens lay fewer eggs. Why? Decreasing day length causes hormonal changes in hens, which reduce or stop egg production. This effect is widely documented by university cooperative exchange programs, and in scientific literature going back to at least 19561. What is the solution? To quote the Oregon State Small Farms Program2:​

Preventing production losses due to changes in natural day length requires artificial lighting. To maintain production, day length must increase or remain constant at more than 12 hours per day; a 14- to 16-hour day is typical. Light needs to be just bright enough to read a newspaper, and the type of bulb does not matter. If a lighting program is started, it must be continued. Even a 1-day lapse can have a negative impact on egg production.

A common question that people ask is whether reduced egg-laying in winter is natural? If so, by extending day length using supplemental (artificial) lighting, are we interfering with a natural rest and repair mechanism in chickens? To be natural, we would want to treat chickens like their wild ancestors (red junglefowl3), whose habitat is near the equator. To junglefowl, 12 hours of light a day throughout the year is more 'natural' than the variable day lengths of more temperate latitudes, which is an argument for winter supplemental lighting. However, chickens have been domesticated for at least 5,000 years, so I would argue that trying to return them to a natural state for health reasons is a bit like thinking it would be healthy for tiny lapdogs to form packs and hunt down caribou like their wolf ancestors.

Setting aside natural, what do the experts say about supplemental lighting for chickens? Recommendations from some organizations are pretty complex4, but the University of Connecticut boils it down to these two rules of thumb5:
1. “Never increase the intensity or duration of light during the growing period.” They consider chickens to be in the growing period until 9-12 weeks of age. You can start with near constant light in an incubator and reduce light exposure gradually.
2. “Never decrease the intensity or duration of light during the production period.” In other words, once chickens start laying, use supplemental light to either extend their days or keep them from getting shorter.

Besides egg-laying, light can have a positive effect on chicken behavior. According to the University of Connecticut, blue light has a calming effect on chickens, and red light can discourage cannibalism and feather picking. Light in the blue to green range stimulates growth, while light in the orange to red range stimulates reproduction/laying4. There is one more, very compelling reason to have a light in your coop. When (not if) you have to go check on the ladies in the middle of the night, it's nice to be able to actually see what's inside your coop!

All that covers why supplemental lighting is important. But how do you light up a chicken coop? There are basically three options:
1. Extension cable along the ground: This is pretty common, and not recommended. Connections between extension cables can get wet and short out. An extension cable will also get walked on, scraped up, and likely pecked at (if your chickens are like the ones I know). This can expose the inner wires, again causing a dangerous short.
2. Trenching/armoring: You can run wires through pipes, or bury them deep in the ground. This is much safer than option 1, but more expensive. Also, you either have to rip up your backyard, or build a wall going from your house to your coop.
3. A self-contained lighting system: The system must generate and store its own power, which means you need space to mount a solar panel on the outside of the coop, but this is otherwise as easy as Option 1 and less expensive than Option 2.

There's been a lot of interest in solar lighting for chicken coops lately. One of the fun things about designing and manufacturing solar lighting systems has been the interesting and often unexpected uses people have found for our products. We've learned as much from our customers about chicken coops as we have taught them about solar lighting.

Recent installations of our systems (thanks again to Mia and Spence for the photos!)​
A lot of people have emailed us with pretty similar questions, so I’m just going to post some of the details here that everyone wanted to know:

Our LED lights produce light in a spectrum that is similar to daylight, and thus contains a full range of colors. Our recommendation for chicken coops is our LightPassage ($150) in combination with a digital programmable timer ($40). The LightPassage can do 400 lumens (about 1/2 the output of a 60W incandescent bulb) for 4 hours a day, given a good spot for the solar panel. If you need a bit more oomph, check out the LightPortal ($250), which has a larger solar panel and a larger battery, and can do 1600 lumens for 4 hours a day, or 800 lumens for 8 hours a day, given a good spot for the solar panel.
In addition, we can do custom work: the second LightPortal system shown above (second and third photos) was customized to have a low setting of 400 lumens instead of 800, which means it can run for 16 hours a day instead of 8 on the low mode. We also worked with a client to design a system that included a fan to keep the chickens cool in the summer. Lastly, we can create unique, custom-designed light diffusers:


Turn that chicken coop into a chicken palace,
through interior decorating!
A lot of people have also asked about running electric heat off of a solar lighting/power system. I like to use the analogy of burning copy paper to stay warm; it's possible, but not cost-effective. The simplest solution is passive solar heating through good window/eve placement. If you want more heat for your chicken coop in the winter, you could use solar heating, either solar hot water or solar air heating. You can buy those things, but if you want to save money you can also build them yourself from scratch, unlike solar electric power. You may also want to check out this thread, on how much heat your chickens actually need.
If you have further questions about solar for chicken coops, or custom needs, please shoot us an email at [email protected].

Rustom Meyer and Jon Meyer

1. Short day-length and egg production in the fowl, "A. H. Sykes", The Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 47, Issue 04, 1956, pp 429-434, DOI 10.1017/S0021859600040582
2. http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1957/20763/pnw565.pdf
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Junglefowl. The similarities and differences between these guys and chickens are kind of fascinating.
4. For example, Oregon State University encourages supplemental light, but recommended that hens should be exposed to 6 weeks of short days in their second fall/winter of life to encourage a complete, or “hard” moult. During moulting, egg production will be reduced drastically or all together, but the hens will undergo a general rejuvenation. Other sources on chicken moulting do not consider this necessary. Given the uncertainty surrounding some of these recommendations, it's probably best to rely on the care instructions specific to the breed(s) you are raising. If you do want short days for 6 weeks for moulting purposes, you can still extend egg-laying with supplemental lighting throughout the rest of the fall, winter, and spring.
5. http://web.uconn.edu/poultry/poultrypages/light_inset.html#ii
Despite the domestication, chickens still natually decrease egg production during the winter. We aren't trying to return them to a wild state, we are allowing them to cycle their egg laying as their body does naturally. And to get a break they need and deserve. If people want to breed for winter egg laying, by all means. But don't force the ones who aren't biologically made for it.
This article claims that light is beneficial, but I've also read that artificial light causes ovarian cancer; light that has a flicker to it (that may not even be noticeable to humans) will drive them crazy as their eyes are much more sensitive to light. It's the equivalent to a disco ball going all the time! I used light last year before I could make an informed decision, and couldn't stop mid season as it may cause a sudden molt, but this year I'm going to let my chickens be natural! That's why I got them, for healthy birds that aren't forced to lay! Right?!
SoManyHats, I'm with you. The article is interesting and informative, however, I found it peculiar that with all of the domestication that has been done with chickens, that the author would go back so far to justify his determination of what's "natural" for today's chickens. For me the chickens we have today have become accustomed to the lengthening and shortening of days as the seasons come and go. It seems to me the whole reason most of us got chickens in the first place is to go back to some sort of natural way, so why would we want to make artificial light just so they could lay eggs year round? Wouldn't that be just as bad as a production house (only on a smaller scale)? If a person decides that's what they want to do, then more power to them, it's their prerogative, but for me, I'll let nature take its course.
I haven't been getting any eggs for a month or two and cant figure out why they haven't started up again... They did molt but how long until they will start to lay again?

Check for hiding spots too, especially if your hens free range in the yard. Chickens do not always lay in the places you set out for them. Listen for the "egg song" and follow them to the eggs. I have found caches of 15 or more eggs in some strange places, and I was attributing the lack of eggs to the season!
I found the article interesting and was delighted (no pun intended) to see an article about the use of artificial lighting in poultry on BYC's homepage at this time of the year.

And while I found it a good discussion opener, I also found the article incomplete and not entirely satisfying due to some over simplicity (probably for purpose of brevity) and lack of balance (unfortunately with the appearance of self-service...it read as more as an ad than an educational piece or topic opener...which is likely what its purpose was...however I would have been more impressed with the sponsor and less disappointed in the article had a little more effort and balance been shown.)

It is a scientific fact that artificial lighting can and will extend laying in chickens during the light starved winter months. However, whether this is wise or not is still debatable from what I have read, and I would enjoy a more in depth article that does more than simply extol the virtues of lighting but also explains the factual negative effects to help the chicken owner make a more informed decision. (While I am no expert in this subject, I already know that ag research has shown it is best to slowly extend the light by 15 minutes per week and that over-lighted hens can become nervous, cannibalistic, feather pickers, egg eaters, and have poor-quality eggs.*)

I must confess the article's rebuttal of those who desire "natural" by equating natural only to an equatorial jungle fowl seemed poor logic and a simplistic answer to those who desire natural health. One would have to study how healthy and hardy those supposed original jungle fowl were in their 12-hour jungle condition vs. domesticated fowl living equally natural at more northern latitudes taking in consideration all the temperature differences, feed availability differences, and other environmental pressures. Healthy and "natural" are not one and the same as anyone who has spent any extended time in "natural" circumstances in nature will attest.

While I do not complain that sponsors have a voice, I would enjoy seeing more thorough and thoughtful articles no matter what the source. If it is meant to be an ad, then let it be placed as such...not cloaked as an educational piece.

Thank you for your efforts to provide information and education to BYC.
Lady of McCamley

I have noticed that, when discussing artificial lighting, the pro-lighting camp uses research-based articles and opinions from avian vets to back up their position, and the anti-lighting folks just use their personal feelings. Is there anyone out there that is anti-lighting that can provide research-based articles to back up their position? I would be very interested to read them.

This commercial has some interesting information in it, but it is several months too late. If you are going to "never decrease the amount of light during the laying cycle" then you needed to have started back when there were 14 hours of natural light, and using lights to keep the number of light hours from decreasing with the seasons. People don't think about adding light in early August, but that was the last time we had 14+ hours of natural light.
What research is provided here that answers the question of whether supplemental lighting has a negative effect on the hen's overall health and well being? In fact, all the information this advertisement pulled off the internet is within the context of commercial egg production. Even light to reduce stress is only needed when hens are kept in stressful environments, which I hope backyard flock owners strive against.

Further, one doesn't need research to be of the opinion that chickens should be allowed to follow their natural biological rhythms without artificial manipulation. Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be. And just because all the scientists tell us how and why to do something, doesn't mean it's good or right for us to do it.

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