The decomposition steps of castrating a cockerel ((GRAPHIC PICS!!!))

you are so Professional!!
I believe there is a chart floating around based on scientific studies discussing the cognitive awarness and pain threshold for species of animals. The chart include domesticated and wild animals.

Mollusks were at the very bottom obviously, along with lower level fish species (I.E. not sharks).

The next up were small prey species such as rabbits, squirrels, fowl (ducks, quail, chickens, etc;)

Followed by hoofed mammals excluding the pig.

Next Highest order were predatory species with problem solving capabilities.

Highest next were Humans, primates, cetaceans, pinnipeds, and PIGS.

Which makes sense, since it would be horrible evolutionarily speaking for prey species to have advanced pain receptors and perception.
I don't get that at all. If the animal is being eaten then it is removed from the gene pool and any influence over the population. What evolutionary advantage is
gained by not feeling pain during death that would enable that animal's offspring to have a better chance of survival over an animal that did feel pain while it
is being consumed?
I don't get that at all. If the animal is being eaten then it is removed from the gene pool and any influence over the population. What evolutionary advantage is
gained by not feeling pain during death that would enable that animal's offspring to have a better chance of survival over an animal that did feel pain while it
is being consumed?

I am speculating that it's not feeling pain for lessor injuries where natural selection affects things.

If you don't feel pain while injured, the prey animals appear whole and get around better and attract less attention and are better able to avoid capture.
If a deer were as lame from a small wound as me with a rock in my shoe, it would attract predators. Even with adrenaline it might not be able to escape capture, while if it didn't limp, it might have the time for it's immune system to clear the infection.

So any energy spend developing nerves that are more sensitive to pain may decrease the individual's chance to avoid being eaten, while the others live longer and reproduce more.

For a predator, not using something that's injured might not decrease it's chances of survival as much, unless the injury kept them from hunting.

Fits well with my theory that humans are such wimps. women who have had hysterectomies take much longer to recover than even an 8 year old dog. [forget about the 6 month old one]

we could say it's more support for Intellligent Design, but THAT discussion belongs in another thread.
I cann't really get them . My English is quite poor , i think i need to learn more !

You think your English is poor? You ought to see my Chinese!
It's nonexistent.

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