The decomposition steps of castrating a cockerel ((GRAPHIC PICS!!!))

I want to say they were 3-4 lbs??? They were dee-licious. I caponized mine too late - more like 5-7 weeks instead of 2-3 weeks so I think that really negatively impacted the effect of the neutering. I am looking forward to trying another batch this spring. Now that I don't shake at the thought of opening them up, I will hopefully be able to get them all done at 2-3 weeks.

The reason I processed that batch so soon is I had a couple of 'slips' that started acting roo-ish so my big roo started killing them. I also had run out of space since animal control busted me and I had to move them from my backyard to a 10x20 pen at the stables. As they got bigger they started getting testier. I think if they had had room to range I could have let them go longer but that experiment is scheduled for the Spring since I have the space now. :) I like the idea of being able to let them grow till needed and not have to process on a schedule. There are plenty of bugs to eat on the new homestead.

I'm sorry. I mean: how long do you grow them before they are killed for food? [are they big enough to be processed at 8 months or 12, or does it vary ?]

I'm so sorry for making this mistake. 150days is enough.
I'm sorry. I mean: how long do you grow them before they are killed for food? [are they big enough to be processed at 8 months or 12, or does it vary ?]

I'm so sorry for making this mistake. 150days is enough.

No apologies necessary.

For that frame i might try this.

Thank-you very much.
I wanted to let the forum know that I contacted Chinese Capons through his e-mail [email protected]. I was interested in purchasing a caponizing set similar to the one in the photos. It arrived the other day, and I can't tell you how happy I am with the purchase. There really is no comparison between this set and the Nasco set that is readily available here in the states. For a little more money, you are able to buy a caponizing set that is going to last. The thing that I was most concerned with was having to send my payment to China. I thought about it and after looking at Pay Pal realized that you can pay internationally by sending the payment to the e-mail address. Very easy purchasing process for a great caponizing tool.
Just wondering if anyone has pictures of adult capons? Do they just look like a big fat hen? Or do they get any of the pretty male colours?
This is one kind of adult capon.

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