The definition of fun

After living with the stuff for 7 years, I've developed an amunity
I seem to get more sensitive every time I get it, though haven't had it very badly for several years despite being exposed several times. Wishful thinking to try and imagine that I have developed any immunity to it, lol. My dad has never been sensitive to it ... why could I not have inherited that from him?

greeneggsnham, I was going to comment on my face getting splattered and that being the last place I want a nasty case of contact dermatitis ... then realized it was really the second to last place, so I just refrained from comment

If I do get it, I will be going straight to Walgreens for the ivy wash and treat kit (whatever it is called) that unbonds the oils from your skin and washes them away so it doesn't spread and has a cream or lotion to help the itch and dry up the existing rash. Good stuff. Wish I had known about it when I had it on my legs that time! It took over 4 years for those scars to fade.
Yep Your from PA we are the ONly people who say weed whacking and we do it in shorts that is how I found out not to do it like that.
ORG from Pittsburgh area Now I live in the Great State of TEXAS. Still bleed Black and gold though

Small World! The Ex was from Johnstown & went to college @ Pitt. I spent many a football game at Pitt Stadium & later @ Heinz Field. Also my parents and some of my siblings lived in Waco, TX for about 20 years (Dad's job went there) before moving back to PA.
We used to give a poison ivy vaccine that kept you from getting it. I know we gave a bazillion of them during the SUmmer. The only time the stuff bothers me is if I am sweating bad.

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