The Duck Thread

I am really in need of some help with my flock. I have only been a duck mommy for a few months and I am still learning all about them. I have 13 ducks of different breeds (7 male, 6 female). I know my ratios are way off and I have been working on that. I have two dominant male pekins who have taken most of the females. One in particular, Nellie, is the favorite of many of the males. I have had to separate Nellie with her mate, Ollie, so she could get away from all the males. There are two magpie males, Daffy and Buttercup, that love Nellie too. Actually Nellie, Ollie, Daffy and Buttercup are like best buds and are together all the time. Now, since I had to separate Nellie and Ollie together, Daffy and Buttercup are running around their pen and want to be near them so badly. I know this is partially because they want Nellie but also because they want to be with Nellie and Ollie in general. I feel so bad for all them. They seem so confused. I've been thinking long and hard about rehoming 3 of my male pekins so that frees up the other females for Daffy and Buttercup. But my fear is that, even if I rehome the pekins, Daffy and Buttercup will still want Nellie and that will be three males wanting her which I know is bad. I'm just not sure if I'm doing the right thing by separating Nellie and Ollie from their friends. Could anyone please help me with some solutions to this problem? Thank you so much!
She have been sitting on her egg since May 15th, and still no sound of the baby. I can clearly she she's inside because of the darkish colour around the egg and she's protecing her egg very closely!
The problem is that she is VERY aggressive, hit any other muscovies which enters the muscovy house (even it is the home to all of them!). Anyone who can give me a piece of advice?

She have been sitting on her egg since May 15th, and still no sound of the baby. I can clearly she she's inside because of the darkish colour around the egg and she's protecing her egg very closely!
The problem is that she is VERY aggressive, hit any other muscovies which enters the muscovy house (even it is the home to all of them!). Anyone who can give me a piece of advice?

@Muscovyduck96 47 days is a long time if she has been sitting all that time. The egg maybe rotten can you pick it up and examine it very carefully, any smell coming from the nest?
She is so aggressive that she will bite me if i dare to come any closer to her. I dont smell anything bad/wrong at all.
Well then all you can do is leave her alone if your not brave enough to go in where she is to check. Brooding so long can also take it's toll on the broody, hopefully she is coming out and eating and bathing drinking.
Sugar's probably a bit miffed at me today. Imagine her surprise when I opened the door to the duck house and she's no longer free ranging but instead has a run! It's a big run, to be sure, but she seemed a little put off, lol. I was going to put one up anyway and now seemed like a good time since she'll have ducklings soon. The trick is going to be to get her and her ducklings to start sleeping in the right coop once they're older since this coop that she's in is for my welshies.

Still, she can't be too mad. She has her own pool, her own feeder, and her own entire coop.
Sugar's probably a bit miffed at me today. Imagine her surprise when I opened the door to the duck house and she's no longer free ranging but instead has a run! It's a big run, to be sure, but she seemed a little put off, lol. I was going to put one up anyway and now seemed like a good time since she'll have ducklings soon. The trick is going to be to get her and her ducklings to start sleeping in the right coop once they're older since this coop that she's in is for my welshies.

Still, she can't be too mad. She has her own pool, her own feeder, and her own entire coop.
Spoiled rotten. lol

I had to move 3 of my Muscovy's into another house when my 11 ducklings were on their own and needed their house since it was larger. They made the transition fine.
Well then all you can do is leave her alone if your not brave enough to go in where she is to check. Brooding so long can also take it's toll on the broody, hopefully she is coming out and eating and bathing drinking.

I'll remember to check the egg next time she is outside of her nest. Yes, she is eating and bathing, bust eat minimal and dont bath everyday...
I'll remember to check the egg next time she is outside of her nest. Yes, she is eating and bathing, bust eat minimal and dont bath everyday...
if that egg is blackish/spotting looking egg shell, it is DIS, not alive and can explode in the heat of the day and make a big mess and possible hurt your duck. if it were me, i would put on a long sleeve shirt and gloves and dive in and ck the/those eggs, for her sake. that is what i would do.

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