The Duck Thread

This is mine, but I don't have any drakes. My 7 girls are all together at night. My husband built me a divider for the enclosure. It is just 1x1's in a rectangular shape covered with chicken wire, he hinged it in the center so I can have it all the way across or in an "L" shape if I want to just close off a corner. There are 2 sections each 5 feet long. Since it has chicken wire over the 1x1's they can still see each other but can't get to each other. This is the way that I introduced the new girls to my adult Pekins.
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Hi, i took a ton of pics today and will try to post only a few... i love taking and sharing pics, if anyone hasnt figured this out by now about me???
I use 2"x3" welded wire fencing that is 3' high and i use garden/fence stakes so i can pull them up and move the fence around and they work well when i need to open & close a section off.
this is right out back of our house. the first little pen area w/t blue tarp is where my young chicks sleep, i guess this would be called a "grow out pen". they are old enough now that when i let them out i keep the fence open and they free-range now. the horse trailer is where the drakes sleep.
my dh made dividers and doors for me so i can seperate the drakes when needed. i love the trailer cuz it is a fortress from preds and i can hang heat lamps when needed inside.
the way i put up the fence t/drakes
get all the space around the trailer and the ducks get a pen area on the left.
I can make the pen areas bigger, smaller and even smaller if i need to really seperate many ducks/drakes. i can make breeding pen areas when i put them together or i can open it all up and let them free-range.
i may move the horse trailer and change things up, but for now this is working for me.
i can make 5-6 different pen areas by just pulling up a few stakes and moving them.
i would love any suggestions from anyone who may have a better idea for me, i am always in need of ideas myself.
the ducks are in the front and the drakes are seperated by fence in the back (of this picture)

the 3 sided wood shed was for our hay last yr, but it is just for shade now, i want to make another duck house or something useful out of it. Any suggestions???
a view looking East
my young chicks/a grow out pen & coop, when they are big enough they go out to the chicken coops

hope this helps anyone
love the trailer idea..very smart.
Hi, i took a ton of pics today and will try to post only a few... i love taking and sharing pics, if anyone hasnt figured this out by now about me???
I use 2"x3" welded wire fencing that is 3' high and i use garden/fence stakes so i can pull them up and move the fence around and they work well when i need to open & close a section off.
this is right out back of our house. the first little pen area w/t blue tarp is where my young chicks sleep, i guess this would be called a "grow out pen". they are old enough now that when i let them out i keep the fence open and they free-range now. the horse trailer is where the drakes sleep.
my dh made dividers and doors for me so i can seperate the drakes when needed. i love the trailer cuz it is a fortress from preds and i can hang heat lamps when needed inside.
the way i put up the fence t/drakes
get all the space around the trailer and the ducks get a pen area on the left.
I can make the pen areas bigger, smaller and even smaller if i need to really seperate many ducks/drakes. i can make breeding pen areas when i put them together or i can open it all up and let them free-range.
i may move the horse trailer and change things up, but for now this is working for me.
i can make 5-6 different pen areas by just pulling up a few stakes and moving them.
i would love any suggestions from anyone who may have a better idea for me, i am always in need of ideas myself.
the ducks are in the front and the drakes are seperated by fence in the back (of this picture)

the 3 sided wood shed was for our hay last yr, but it is just for shade now, i want to make another duck house or something useful out of it. Any suggestions???
a view looking East
my young chicks/a grow out pen & coop, when they are big enough they go out to the chicken coops

hope this helps anyone
Very versatile!! Mine isn't quite this big! Love the trailer idea! I'll keep that one in mind. Love the view!!!!!!
@mischievouslady i saw a few smaller (2 horse) trailers on BYC, this is where i got the idea. Im not the smart one, but thanks for the compliment. It is a great idea, cuz we can move it anywhere w/our truck. and it can not be penetrated by preds... well maybe a grizzly, it could tear off the wooden 1/2 top door in the back.. my dh made it cuz the original one broke off and has been missing for yrs??? dont know what i did w/it??

@Ren2014 Wow, great info, thanks. It makes perfect sense about the Pyrs being bonded to their charge. you made me laugh w/t DisaPyr :lau
we do live in/t country; we only have 3 neighbors, but we can hear eachothers dogs barking cuz we are in a canyon and we can hear the cows moooing also. so adding another barking dog would not be a problem, maybe for me however, i do not like to hear a constant barking. we do have deer, elk and moose coming to lick our salt blocks & drink our water, i would not want a Pyr to chase them away. I guess you cant teach them what is a pred and what isnt a pred? we have 2 dogs now and i talk to them and tell them that the deer and elk are not bad, but the coyotes are "bad doggies"
do you know anything about Bernese Mt Dog or the Swiss Mt Dog? do they protect in the same way as Pyr's? thanks

@mama2girlies You are welcome for the pics. im sure it will give you and others ideas of what you may or may Not want to do for your fencing.
sorry to everyone that my post was duplicated... i am not sure how that happens?

i wanted to share w/you how you can get a BYC members attention and how they will receive a notification of your post to them... know what i mean?
when you are "replying to a post" tap on the "@" icon and then type in their name or part of their name, if you are not sure and a list of simular names will appear and you pic the member that you want to reply to... does this make sense? i hope so..

goodnight all... hope ya'll had a wonderful and safe 4th of July
I dont know if it is normal or not, but lately I have seen a roundish "ball" out of my muscovy drake's *** whenever he is taking a **** (sorry for the language, if someone takes it offensive), and after a short time it have gone back to inside his ***. This has concerned me about if there is something I should do or is this normal?

I hope someone which have experienced this with their muscovy drake, can answer me. Thank you!
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@mischievouslady i saw a few smaller (2 horse) trailers on BYC, this is where i got the idea. Im not the smart one, but thanks for the compliment. It is a great idea, cuz we can move it anywhere w/our truck. and it can not be penetrated by preds... well maybe a grizzly, it could tear off the wooden 1/2 top door in the back.. my dh made it cuz the original one broke off and has been missing for yrs??? dont know what i did w/it??

@Ren2014 Wow, great info, thanks. It makes perfect sense about the Pyrs being bonded to their charge. you made me laugh w/t DisaPyr

we do live in/t country; we only have 3 neighbors, but we can hear eachothers dogs barking cuz we are in a canyon and we can hear the cows moooing also. so adding another barking dog would not be a problem, maybe for me however, i do not like to hear a constant barking. we do have deer, elk and moose coming to lick our salt blocks & drink our water, i would not want a Pyr to chase them away. I guess you cant teach them what is a pred and what isnt a pred? we have 2 dogs now and i talk to them and tell them that the deer and elk are not bad, but the coyotes are "bad doggies"
do you know anything about Bernese Mt Dog or the Swiss Mt Dog? do they protect in the same way as Pyr's? thanks

@mama2girlies You are welcome for the pics. im sure it will give you and others ideas of what you may or may Not want to do for your fencing.
sorry to everyone that my post was duplicated... i am not sure how that happens?

i wanted to share w/you how you can get a BYC members attention and how they will receive a notification of your post to them... know what i mean?
when you are "replying to a post" tap on the "@" icon and then type in their name or part of their name, if you are not sure and a list of simular names will appear and you pic the member that you want to reply to... does this make sense? i hope so..

goodnight all... hope ya'll had a wonderful and safe 4th of July
You're welcome. Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGD's) are my passion as well as my ducks and chickens
The off leash thing... SERIOUSLY, I had taken in a Pyr that someone called me who found it on the road. I loved this dog and thought she had bonded with me. I took her with me to my mom's one day and let her lose in the yard. She went straight to the gate and found a gap she could get through and trotted off down the road. (They can get through the SMALLEST of gaps.) No response what soever to me calling her name. I had to run after this dog. If it hadn't been for a car stopping and blocking her, I would have never caught her. This is the only fault in Pyrs that I have experienced. It's a big one though. I currently have an Akbash/G. Pyr in training and am hoping great things from him.

You actually can teach them what is a predator and what isn't. I had to teach my female Pyr that Muscovies were ok compared to buzzards and other flying predators. I'm sorry but I don't know a thing about the Bernese or Swiss Mt. dogs. Well, except that they are BEAUTIFUL. Good luck whichever way you go.

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