The Duck Thread

Here are some pics of my precious babies. These are my 2 Swedish and my beautiful rouen drake. He knows it too lol.



Our beautiful ancona hatchings almost grown now! :) we kept 3 girls and one boy. :)



I am so sorry I didn't know one was wounded and still alive. Your doing the right thing by keeping them inside unless your with them. It's just to easy for the predators to sneak up with out us knowing till it's too late. I am just thankful that with all my birds they have half acre fenced in to forage in but it still leaves them vulnerable since we can't cover the top but thankfully in the 12 yrs I have had water fowl I haven't lost one to a predator. I have lost some chickens to preds though and no matter who you lose it's heart breaking.

@MandyJ can you expand their area they are in?
The one that was alive has died. I don't know WHAT happened to her, she wasn't wounded that I could see. Can ducks be scared to death? I have never heard of such a thing, but I wonder with everything that is going on. I now only have 3 ducks.

I am looking into expanding their area, but I am not sure I can without moving the pad that the enclosure is on. I'm not sure how to go about that. We'll see.

We are still locking them up around 3 each afternoon, husband is still "hunting". We call him the great white hunter! LOL But I do so very much appreciate him trying to protect the ducks!
Ok, so my daddy duck is chasing around one young duck. The young ones are 12 weeks. I can't tell if he is trying to mate the young one, or picking on it. I'm still not sure if that one is male or female. I thought male because I haven't heard it quack yet, but its quiet overall.

Anyway, I cleaned the pool and the 4 young ones wanted to swim and daddy wouldn't leave the alone! I finally caught him and held him a while to give them some peace in the pool.

Should I assume she's a female, or is he as likely just picking on one of the boys? He never caught it long enough to climb on. Lol
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I saw no wounds. She died in the night. I'm just really bummed out. Loosing that many so quickly!
I'm so sorry for all of your losses. My heart goes out to you and I pray you get those predators real soon.

I wish I had had a talk with my girl duck before she hatched the lings. I meant to tell her "all girls!" but it is looking like she gave me 5 boys and 3 girls. Not positive yet, I'm sure hoping I'm wrong.
your wrong. When I'm wrong it goes the other way.... thinking girl but turns out boy. I've got 13 boys I need to re home
OR... get more girls, LOL. My DH would kill me, lol.

Here are some pics of my precious babies. These are my 2 Swedish and my beautiful rouen drake. He knows it too lol.

Our beautiful ancona hatchings almost grown now!
we kept 3 girls and one boy.

They are beautiful!
:hugs   I'm so sorry for all of your losses.  My heart goes out to you and I pray you get those predators real soon.:hugs

:fl your wrong.  When I'm wrong it goes the other way.... thinking girl but turns out boy.  I've got 13 boys I need to re home:barnie   OR... get more girls, LOL.  My DH would kill me, lol.

They are beautiful!

Yes the are beautiful

Thank you. I think so too but I'm looking from a mother's eyes lol. :)

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