The EE braggers thread!!!

NightWing is turning into quite the handsome fella
SLWyandotte X black Ameraucana


his face

We are babying this little Tetra Tint x EE mixed baby we'd thought we'd lost her last night but she pulled thru and seems to feel some better this evening


I had just started getting over the big chicken loss when I lost another EE. Well lost is a misnomer, she ran away. I tried to keep her in but she just flew over the fence. She kept searching for the rest of the flock. Running about like crazy out into the woods clucking the alert/danger call that sounds so much like the egg song. Even a week after the coons got the lions share of the flock she kept searching. Well one day she just didn't come back.

Well i had already decided i needed to get more chicks and figured i would have to wait until spring for the feed store to start selling them again. Then i found this little GQF Chick Bator Mini Egg Incubator on ebay. $25 including shipping. I figure such a tiny incubator will keep a handle on the chicken math.

It will only hold 3 chicken eggs but i don't need that many chickens. So i will try to hatch out three of the last fertile EE eggs. I recently watched a farm bulletin video on UTube that said hens will still lay fertile eggs up to 13 days from the removal of the Roo. That should be about the time the bator shows up. And this weeks the eggs should just squeak in as hatch-able, fingers crossed.

Its so lucky Molly started laying the day after the coons got most of the flock so there will be eggs to try to hatch. And they are fertile. I checked the first egg a peewee.


And my late Roo Sherlock.

I am about to try hatching out my own chicks, in the winter. I must be nuts i haven't hatched my own chicks in over 35 years. I do hope they are not all roo's this time round.

I had already wanted to breed from this EE's before the loss and didn't have room for more chickens.

I know the odds are against getting live chicks. Roo gone too long, eggs waiting to go into the bator too long, and first time using a new bator. But my fingers will still be crossed.

Any idea what color the chicks would turn out to be if I luck out.
I'm in PA so this is for anyone in or around here, but what month does everyone buy their chicks for in the spring. Last year I got them in February, is that too soon? I lucked out on the weather not being bad at the time last year. I'm kind of concerned because of the weather and I don't want them to freeze in case the light goes out in the shed. Should I get them again in February and take my chances or wait a little bit longer until March?
I'm in PA so this is for anyone in or around here, but what month does everyone buy their chicks for in the spring. Last year I got them in February, is that too soon? I lucked out on the weather not being bad at the time last year. I'm kind of concerned because of the weather and I don't want them to freeze in case the light goes out in the shed. Should I get them again in February and take my chances or wait a little bit longer until March?
Im from MA but we have similar weather. I recommend march to april since its starts to warm up and the chicks will be ready for easter and also old enough to go outside in June/July months. Ive also heard its supposed to be a long, cold winter. Hope this helps!
I had just started getting over the big chicken loss when I lost another EE. Well lost is a misnomer, she ran away. I tried to keep her in but she just flew over the fence. She kept searching for the rest of the flock. Running about like crazy out into the woods clucking the alert/danger call that sounds so much like the egg song. Even a week after the coons got the lions share of the flock she kept searching. Well one day she just didn't come back.

Well i had already decided i needed to get more chicks and figured i would have to wait until spring for the feed store to start selling them again. Then i found this little GQF Chick Bator Mini Egg Incubator on ebay. $25 including shipping. I figure such a tiny incubator will keep a handle on the chicken math.

It will only hold 3 chicken eggs but i don't need that many chickens. So i will try to hatch out three of the last fertile EE eggs. I recently watched a farm bulletin video on UTube that said hens will still lay fertile eggs up to 13 days from the removal of the Roo. That should be about the time the bator shows up. And this weeks the eggs should just squeak in as hatch-able, fingers crossed.

Its so lucky Molly started laying the day after the coons got most of the flock so there will be eggs to try to hatch. And they are fertile. I checked the first egg a peewee.


And my late Roo Sherlock.

I am about to try hatching out my own chicks, in the winter. I must be nuts i haven't hatched my own chicks in over 35 years. I do hope they are not all roo's this time round.

I had already wanted to breed from this EE's before the loss and didn't have room for more chickens.

I know the odds are against getting live chicks. Roo gone too long, eggs waiting to go into the bator too long, and first time using a new bator. But my fingers will still be crossed.

Any idea what color the chicks would turn out to be if I luck out.
Thats kinda of a cool idea! If it doesn't work out it was an experiment to try! I recommend reading about hatching eggs in case you haven't already just so your really familiar with what your doing. My guess for the chicks would be a buff/brownish color because of the parents! Good luck and keep us updated!
Im from MA but we have similar weather. I recommend march to april since its starts to warm up and the chicks will be ready for easter and also old enough to go outside in June/July months. Ive also heard its supposed to be a long, cold winter. Hope this helps!

I heard that too. I hope it won't be a long cold winter though. I'm getting from a hatchery and I am hatching eggs out from my EE's that I have now. I'm going to plan it so that mine should hatch when the chicks come from the hatchery so they will be about the same age. I guess if I wait until march mine should be done with molting and back to laying eggs. Wouldn't you think so?
Yeah the hens should be done molting by then. Definitely a good idea for the chicks to be the same age otherwise the older ones could bully the younger ones. You have a rooster to fertilize the eggs when march comes? The only thing is you have to make sure the hen goes broody at around the right time you want her to. Otherwise you should be good. Better idea to wait until march than earlier in february.
I heard that too. I hope it won't be a long cold winter though. I'm getting from a hatchery and I am hatching eggs out from my EE's that I have now. I'm going to plan it so that mine should hatch when the chicks come from the hatchery so they will be about the same age. I guess if I wait until march mine should be done with molting and back to laying eggs. Wouldn't you think so?

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