The EE braggers thread!!!

Set my very first eggs in my homemade incubator yesterday, the daddy's are both EE's and the girls who laid the eggs are an EE, barred rocks and australorps. Hoping everything goes well and I get some EE babies! :fl :fl


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the latest photo about a month ago muffs and beard looking nice, our only EE so far

hopefully 6 more coming from under a hen in a couple of weeks 2 each from 3 different hens, french araucana cock.
pity we wont get anymore like this one as we lost her mum to the dog, she was a buff orpington out of our summer hatch we had this hen the little pure black araucana hen in the background and 4 cocks, one of which ended up a really colourful black with deep blue sheen the other 3 were grey one of which had a red neck. will have photos tomorrow as theyre going up for sale.

our 2 araucana hens stopped laying mid october so we have none in this batch

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