The EE braggers thread!!!

Wow, what beautiful EEs everyone has!
I love seeing how many different colors they come in

I have 3 of them and they are the sweetest things!

Paprika's my oldest, she was one of the two originals that got me started ... unfortunately I had to find a new home for her hatch-mate that had turned into a roo :(
She started out as a dark brown chick, and she's certainly changed since then!

White EE I got 4 days ago and haven't found the right name for!
Really nice though, she's settled right in with Paprika and my two Barred Rocks:

Annd the most recent, just picked her up yesterday so she's still a little skittish and hasn't found her place in the flock yet.
I think she's going to be a sweetheart when she settles in:

Suggestions for names on the last two are more than welcome ;)
Since paprika is a "kitchen spice" perhaps you could name them "Salt" and "Pepper"

My first chick hatched today!!

This is our makeshift brooder as of right now. Well one chick down and 40 more to go.
Since paprika is a "kitchen spice" perhaps you could name them "Salt" and "Pepper"


I've been thinking something along those lines! It's just I don't know if it fits them yet or not ... but good suggestions!
I'll definitely keep them in mind.

Fallen leeves, that pic of your EE should go in the "chickens in your face" thread. Thats a perfect shot and those folks on that thread are eager for new "faces."

I didn't even know there was such a thread ... I shall have to go in search of it!

I was thinking sugar and cinnamon...

Those are good too, any other spice names anyone can think of? :)

I'm trying some hen saddles. My EE's get beat up the most by the roosters.

This EE is different because she doesn't have cheek muffs or a beard. I wondered if she was an EE. She is unique compared to the other ones.

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