The EE braggers thread!!!

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Why thank you... I quite think so too.... I think I'm getting all "cute"'d out!!! And I'm going to the Poultry Show tomorrow... yikes, I might come back with more!!!

Lucky!! I have to wait 21 and 22 more days for mine!!!

I had a bad power outage..please pray that my eggs are okay!

Yeah, wow... poor little eggs. Hopefully you still get a good hatch... You should! After all, mother hens will leave the nest longer than they should sometimes, and they still hatch their eggs out well!
It has been chilly ever since I got the EE chicks, I haven't been able to get a great picture yet. This is the best so far. I love the outlining on her eye.

I know this isn't an EE but it is a good picture of my great-nephew holding one of the new chicks. I was afraid to let him hold an EE they are older and harder to hold.

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Do beards also molt on EE? I have a roo with pins on the side of his beard, and teensy patches in the middle of what should be his beard.
heres a pic of my favorite EE! she has a bit of an attitude though and doesn't like her picture taken lol



you'll have to excuse the other one...shes not looking her best. shes recovering from being pecked by our barred rock...(who is now no longer with us)
I got her at our local feed store at 18 weeks, so theres no telling whats in her genetics! They were marked as ameraucanas, but I knew better... gotta love those fluffy faces! She absolutely HATES the camera..she was flaring her tail at me and growling LOL
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Lucky!! I have to wait 21 and 22 more days for mine!!!

I had a bad power outage..please pray that my eggs are okay!

Yeah, wow... poor little eggs. Hopefully you still get a good hatch... You should! After all, mother hens will leave the nest longer than they should sometimes, and they still hatch their eggs out well!

That is encouraging!
Neat EE - Love seeing Columbian pop up in silvers. I myself sadly lost my most columbian-esque Silver Easter Egger, but her sister, a more traditional looking Silver, is still around.

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