The EE braggers thread!!!

thanks, now I'm not even sure the splash is the right color of my girls anymore I've seen birds the same color of mine on the thread going to back track and see if I can find them or take pics.
I am new here and relatively new to chickens as well. First started off with 8 RIR pullets. Bought them off of farm nearby and saw an EE there. I then wanted an Ameraucana after seeing them at the local TSC. Just one was all I really wanted but they were always sold out. One day they had many and so I bought many!! Not really knowing the differences of the EE's , Ameraucanas and Araucanas . My research has convinced me that I have a bunch of EE's. Although I must admit, I did dream of possibly having one or two that would qualify for the standards in the Ameraucana breed:p
They are now at about 10 weeks old and I decided to keep a hen and a rooster and then fatten up the rest. After close observation and research I believe I have one hen and one rooster here. I chose the rarest colors of the bunch. I do have a lot of brown blackish ones. Maybe I will upload those photos later. Not sure what color category these might fall under but here they are:

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and congratulations on you choice to raise chickens and your choice of EEs even if by default. They are very good all purpose birds, pets, layers and stewed. I bet you did glean that from your research. Which is also is a good thing to see and the more you dod and read well you know. I just now working on raising the Ameraucanas and it was difficult to chose which color I wanted since learning the genetics of the colors and other traits is a long process. Hence do not trust my comments here too much as they are at best incomplete.

Both birds appear to have blue which is believe is related to the silver gene and brown which is the red gene. I was thinking of posting url for the genetic page but it is Dutch and a bit over my headSo good luck and many happy adventures in this fine endeavor.
Hi all,
I just wanted to show off how pretty my EE Gypsie Rose is getting..I love her side feathers. When I purchased her, she was marked as an Americana, but after posting in that thread I was told she was not...she was just an EE . I still don't understand the difference..she is pretty no matter what! Her lower beak is also longer than her top beak..I need to find someone to clip it for me.


What color did you end up choosing for the Ameraucanas flower?
I'm in the same situation of choosing the right color of Ameraucanas, I want Lavander but those eggs are really expensive, i also like black but not sure how they do in this crazy heat i don't know if their color will affect them. My incubator will free up in a week and i have to decide by then.
We saw a laying hens for sale sign last week driving home and stopped to see what kind they were. The owners were moving and needed to find homes for their year old hens...they had rir, dominques, some mutts and 2 easter eggers. One of the easter eggers really caught my eye, I thought she was beautiful...So she ended up coming home with us! lol I'm such a sucker for EEs. We now have a full coop with 3 easter eggers and a silkie. Here's a picture the newest member to our chicken family. She's alittle beat up from the rir roo they had but shes already starting to grow some feathers back. And she has been laying since we got her! apparently the move didn't stress her out at all!


I put blu-kote on her bald spots yesterday to keep the others from pecking at her, thats why she's purple...So far the transition has been perfect, no pecking or fighting. She gets along with the others great!

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